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Will taking Azo alter the results of a urine test for a UTI?

4 Answers

JotaJones 13 Oct 2022

A gynecologist I used to work for told me that Pyridium can definitely alter a urinalysis (cause it to be inaccurate).

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eak2137 22 May 2013

Azo won't have any affect on the urine test results, it only treats the symptoms of the infection thus leaving the amount of bacteria in your system to be unaltered. The same is true for any bladder soothers you may take for UTI pain.

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DzooBaby 21 May 2013

It can effect a dip stick test because it discolors your urine but it should effect a culture.

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kaismama 20 May 2013

It might change the won't change the number and type of cells in urine.

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urinary tract infection, pregnancy, urine test

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