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Wellbutrin Questions (Page 12)

Displaying 386 questions associated with Wellbutrin.

Wellbutrin SR - How long do side effects, especially insomnia, take to diminish?

I have been taking Wellbutrin SR 150mgs daily in AM for 5 days. How long does it take before side effects, especially insomnia, take to subside?

Wellbutrin - I have PTSD and good reasons for it but who cares about reasons. I just want to feel?

Does this drug help with PTSD, depression and "spinning mind?" I also suffer from panic, and debilitating anxiety. I'm lonely but afraid to be around people.

Wellbutrin XL - Wellbutrin and fatigue?

I am on my 2nd day of taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg. I've noticed that I am very tired. Do you think that it is a side effect from starting the medicine?

Wellbutrin XL making me drowsy, forgetful, angry, sad, anxious. HELP PLEASE!?

I'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder and took Wellbutrin XL 150mg last year from May until September. I didn't have these side effects and my depression got a little better. But I quit because of lack of sex drive and appetite. After quitting, my depression, sex drive, appetite... read more

Lexapro added to my Wellbutrin?

My psych doc changed my meds again! I have been on WB 75 mg x1 day instant release 4 weeks, he changed it to WB 100 SR 1 x day, been on it 3 weeks. It is still creating lots of anxiety and depression is getting worst. He also added Ativan 1 mg broken into 3 doses, 2 day 1 night. This has only been... read more

Can wellbutrin make your hearing sensitive? Or is it from the anxiety?

that the wellbutrin is creating. I feel all off right now. Have been on WB 100 sr for 6 weeks, depression lifted but now is getting worst. I can hardly handle noise, my head is pounding. Feeling irritable and negative. Psych doc gave me klonopin to take 1 mg 1/2 am 1/2 pm. He also added Lexapro 5... read more

When should I be taking my medication? Wellbutrin and Celexa?

Recently I have moved from 40mg of citalopram (Celexa) daily, taken at bedtime for approx. 8 years, to 20mg of citalopram + 150mg bupropion (Wellbutrin), told by pharmacist to take the citalopram in the morning and the Wellbutrin at night with my birth control pill. Over three months I saw a... read more

Buspar and wellbutrin combo?

I took 40MG of Celexa for 5 years. My doctor and I decided to add wellbutrin to help with low energy, sex drive etc. No change so we then started decreasing celexa every three weeks and started buspar 7.5mg and wellbutrin 150xl to eventually get off celexa. It has been 8 days since my last dose of... read more

Wellbutrin 350XL effects of increased energy wearing off after 1 month. What can I add?

I have been on bupropion 350XL for about 2 1/2 months for depression & fatigue. After the first week I had tons of energy and depression subsided. After 1 month of being on medication, I noticed that I was getting so tired again and still got pretty sad. I can deal with being sad as I... read more

First day on Prozac 20 mg. Help?

Hi, I have super bad anxiety and depression. I was on Lexapro and Wellbutrin about a year ago when I stopped. I tried to take the Lexapro again but it made my heart beat irregular and ended up in the hopsital. Lately I've been having super bad panic attacks to the point I knew it was time to... read more

Wellbutrin - Does the fuzzy vision and "sensitivity" to bright light go away over time?

I started on 150mg 2 weeks ago with good results and no real side effects. My doctor had me up my dose to 300mg (2 150s in the AM) and all of a sudden I have fuzzy vision which is light sensitive. Almost like my eyes were dilated at the eye doctor. This medication is WORKING! for me and don't... read more

How effective is Wellbutrin on Energy/Motivation/Weight management/Libido?

For those who have been on Wellbutrin/buproprion... please rate your experience in the following areas and what dosage level you are on ? (1) Energy (2) Motivation (feeling of getting things accomplished) (3) Weight management (weight loss or weight gain) (4) Libido (increase or decrease)? (This... read more

Weight gain after taking Bupropion HCL XL for 2 years???

I have taken the generic form of Wellbutrin - IC Bupropion HCL XL - for approximately 2 years. The last 6 months I have gained 25+ pounds and am doing everything exactly as before. I eat pretty healthy, exercise and have changed nothing. I have noticed that my emotions are a bit unsteady and I am... read more

Anyone experiencing rapid heart rate after working out while taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg?

I've been on the 300mg dosage for about a week now and I feel better than I did on the 150mg (extremely nauseous and anxious) I do feel more awake and have more energy. I haven't experienced insomnia if I work out during he day. My question is after working out (I run and do HIIT) I feel... read more

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