My psych doc changed my meds again! I have been on WB 75 mg x1 day instant release 4 weeks, he changed it to WB 100 SR 1 x day, been on it 3 weeks. It is still creating lots of anxiety and depression is getting worst. He also added Ativan 1 mg broken into 3 doses, 2 day 1 night. This has only been 1 week and I do not take it every day. I do not like benzos, just not a good idea to have to take a benzo to be on WB. Just saw him yesterday. He changed me to Lexapro 5 mg a day brand name, I cannot take generic, added Klonopin 1mg 1/4 am, 1/4 afternoon, 1/2 for sleep. He said Klonopin is not addictive. WHAT? Do I have the right to not take the Klonopin? I see him in two weeks or sooner. This the 3rd time in 6 weeks he has changed my meds. Need some advise, opinions, feedback please!