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Urinary Retention Questions

Displaying 4 questions associated with Urinary Retention.

How long until Cogentin is completely out of my system?

I took Cogentin for 4 months and it caused awful water weight gain and water toxicity due to Urinary Retention. I was advised to stop taking it almost 3 weeks ago. I'm starting to feel a little bit better, but I still have quite a ways to go. Any estimate of how long until it is completely... read more

Anyone get urinary retention when taking amitriptyline for IC?

Taking 12.5 mg nightly for only 4 days.

Flomax - Has anyone had urinary incontinence?

I have had urinary incontinence since being put on Tamulosin. I do have proven urinary retention. That is why I was taking it. I am not going to take it any more. But I am curious if anyone is having this problem. Thank you

Is it okay to take 2 Aleve and Goody's headache powder?

Had a bad headache. I took 2 Aleve and a Goody's headache powder now I am shaky, numbness tingling all over, unable to urinate except for dribble, initially had stomach cramp but had a bowel motion normal color but loose. All this took affect within few minutes

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