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Throat Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 90 questions associated with Throat.

Strep Throat and Kissing?

I had strep for a couple weeks without knowing it, later getting some blood tests done that came back positive. All that time before, I had been kissing my boyfriend, and now I worry that I might've given it to him since it's super contagious. He hasn't had any symptoms though (this... read more

Advair Diskus - Chronic sore throat and white spots developed on throat since taking Advair 100/50?

I have been taking Advair 100/50 for about 1 1/2 years. I can say, especially at first, my breathing was much better. I believe I've gotten to where I need a higher dose though. My question is though, for the past year I have had a sore throat. Not just a little irritation, but PAIN. Everyday.... read more

Can fluoxetine cause a sore throat?

My daughter has had a recurring sore throat since her dosage of fluoxetine was raised in the fall. She has been tested for mono three times and told that she just has a virus or some sort. Her psychiatrist says that it could not be caused by the fluoxetine. Her throat has hurt for four weeks now.... read more

Fluoxetine - causing the feeling of a lump in my throat?

Is the feeling of a lump in my throat a side effect of these drugs, in particular Fluoxetine? I seemd to have developed this side effect and it is triggering panic attacks because it is as if I can't breath or swallow. Once I relax a bit it gets better but never completely goes away. Then is... read more

Zoloft, Acid Reflux and tight throat (choking on food) ?

Hello, I've been on Amitriptyline for quite a few years now, 150mg. I switched for another AD in February because it seemed to not work anymore (I was very anxious) and I suffered like hell from indigestion, nausea, night sweats... And they all went away when my GP put me back on... read more

I am taking azithromycin. Can I also take Tylenol Daytime Cold medicine?

I have strep throat and am now taking azithromycin, 250 mg. Is it okay to take any other cold medications that would help me sleep?

Spotting after taking amoxicillin drug? Please help!

So I got the flu and i ended up getting a throat infection and started taking amoxicillin for a week 3 times a day, and around 38 hours after taking it i started having spotting, i already had my period and I’m worried if i should go to doctor about this, it’s really hard to get into my... read more

Clindamycin - how is it with strep throat?

Buspirone - Should I just ask my doctor to taper me off? Burning and tingling is spreading more?

Should I just ask my doctor to taper off buspar. I can't take these paresthesia like symptoms. It started in my forearms only at night and now it's in my chest,neck, forearms, throat, and back of my shoulders. It can happen anytime now. Dose 15 x 3. 3 weeks in. Kinda scared the tapering... read more

Has anyone experienced a sore throat throat with Trintellix?

Has anyone taking trintellix experienced a severe sore throat and a fever after taking it? I've been having the nausea, never thrown up but my throat is sore and I had a fever.

Anyone on Ozempic injections having trouble with a stuffy nose and throat?

I've been on Ozempic for 5 weeks now and for around the same time I've been literally so stuffy and can't breathe through my nose. Last week I had the higher dose of 0.5 (started 4 weeks at 0.25) and my symptoms have all gotten worse. Yes we have all just had a nasty cold which... read more

Lansoprazole - Nasty burning taste in mouth?

Hello good morning i have been on lansoprazole 1 month 60mg as anyone experienced. Burning of mouth and throat nasty taste that burns when swallowing saliva. Get worse when eating,drinking and brushing teeth. I have lost 6 stone since I have been been on lansoprazole.

Is 100mg benzonatate effect the stomach?

I took it not too long ago after drinking a hot tea. Normally this medicine is suppose to target my throat ,instead its effecting my stomach i feel a cooling sensation in my stomach. I am kind of worried about this

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