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Sex Questions (Page 6)

Related terms: Intercourse

Displaying 617 questions associated with Sex.

When was Plan B supposed to cause my cervical mucus to thicken?

Hi, I had sex with my boyfriend 4 days ago, on Tuesday when the condom broke. After skipping a few pills, I had restarted my birth control on the Sunday after my period, which was the Sunday just before that Tuesday. My period had finished around Friday. After the sex, I kind of freaked out and... read more

Plan B One-Step - Cramping on plan b one step?

I had sex on the 27 of September at around 10:44. I took the plan b one step pill at 9:00 am the next morning. I've just been tired and had slight cramping. I've had cramping like this before but it's lasted awhile. It's been 6 days since I've had sex now. And I'm... read more

Can I be pregnant if I had unprotected sex 2 weeks before my period?

I had unprotected sex 2 weeks before my period. This month period has been different from my other periods never had happend to me. I've had my period normal and exactly every 31 day. I have to babies. In the month of December I had unprotected sex on the 25 th and.I started my period 2 days... read more

I've had an implant and a day later had unprotected sex for 3 minutes, could I be pregnant?

me and my boyfriend have been together 4 years and we decided to have sex, so I had an Nexplanon implant done and a day later me and my boyfriend had sex, protected and unprotected, we didn't have unprotected sex for long at all but I'm scared he may have ejaculated, he says he... read more

Can I get pregnant after having sex the same day I started birth control for the first time ever?

I started birth control pills for the first time ever yesterday and last night my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. My period is suppose to start in 4 days. Do I need to take Plan B to prevent pregnancy or will I be alright if I keep taking my pills?

Diazepam - Does anyone else experience a high sex drive when taking Valium?

I fought so long and hard to avoid taking benzos but I was prescribed 5 mg to take 3 times a day after I had a major panic event. I was warned it would lower my sex drive and as a 23 year old single female who already has a relatively low libido I didn't think this would be an issue. However,... read more

Why am I bloated after plan b pill?

I had unprotected sex 3 times in one day, using the pull out method, 2 days after i got the generic brand of the plan b pill and took it as directed. Its been 3 days after i took the pill and my stomach is feeling bloated and weird. Please tell me these arent signs of pregnancy. Im too young for... read more

I've been on xanax goin on 7 yrs, 2mg 3 a day don't work anymore thinking of trying ativan?

I have conversion disorder going on 4 yrs among with bipolar, anxiety, panic attacks. I was on a hole lot of meds for those things but stop taking them since i was unable to have sex. So the only meds i take now are my xanax but those really don't work anymore since i have been on them so... read more

Does taking citalopram hurt your sex drive?

I am menopausal and trying to decide if this is lowering my sex drive or if it's caused by any meds I'm taking. When I try to think about sex, all I come up with is the mechanics of it. It's not sexy.

Does xanax lower your sex drive ?

Pristiq - I have problems with a decreased sex drive and difficulty having an orgasm?

Is there anything to help with this side effect. I am on Pristiq for depression. This drug has been great for the depression and the only side effect I have noticed is sexual.

First-time depo provera shot! Help?

Hi everyone, I have a question, my last period was the first days of march, I had sex 4 days after and took the plan b... two weeks later i went to the clinic and had already 2 pregnancy test both were negative... and yesterday I just got the depo shot for which I waited 2 weeks..but still... read more

We had unprotected sex, she is on birth control and took the Plan B pill. Can she get pregnant?

My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex, this is only my second time having sexual intercourse. I ejaculated very little inside of her before I pulled out. She is on birth control and also took a plan b pill 30 mins after we got done. Can she become pregnant?

I had sex 6 days before my period occured and now I am 3 days delayed can I be pregnant?

I'm not showing any pregnancy symptoms yet. Had sex on 05/10/2013 and had my period during 05/16/2013 and it is now 06/16/2013

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