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Sex Questions (Page 14)

Related terms: Intercourse

Displaying 617 questions associated with Sex.

How long does emergency contraception stay in system??

My friend told me she had sex with her boyfriend and the condom broke. About 5 days ago she had taken a morning after pill because the condom broke. She spoke to her doctor about birth control but she didnt get the pills yet. She wants to know if by any chance the morning after pill is still in her... read more

Late period after taking morning after pill?

I had sex a day after my period ended, and took the morning after pill 2 days later. My partner didn't cum in me; we stopped after a few seconds because I wanted us to get protection. We got the pill because I was worried about pre-cum. Now my period is late by a week and two days. I've... read more

My boyfriend has a cold sore, can I get genital herpes from him?

So my boyfriend gets cold sores, and he's been avoiding kissing me so I won't get it, but last night he licked his fingers while we were having sex and fingered me, can I get genital herpes from that? Ive been reading everywhere about how it is possible to get it from oral sex, but Im... read more

Diflucan - How long before Difculan takes away Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms?

Took first pill earlier today and still having itching and cottage cheesy discharge. Also when can sex continue?

My husband has really wrinkled and plastic feeling scrotum and penis shaft. I need help!?

He says that it happened right after we had sex and that he thinks I cheated and got some sort of std from cheating on him when I didn't. I don't see any stds with symptoms that match. He normally has very soft and smooth skin but as of yesterday it is very plastic feeling and very... read more

I took 50mg viagra, then 4 hours later it didn't seem to work because I felt no effects?

Can you guys tell me what I did wrong? I have ED, but was I suppose to have sex right away or wait an hour than rather 4hours for it to work ? Please help me

Buspar and wellbutrin combo?

I took 40MG of Celexa for 5 years. My doctor and I decided to add wellbutrin to help with low energy, sex drive etc. No change so we then started decreasing celexa every three weeks and started buspar 7.5mg and wellbutrin 150xl to eventually get off celexa. It has been 8 days since my last dose of... read more

Sildenafil - How long after taking 100mg before sex?

Is it okay to have intercourse if my husband is using Clotrimazole & Betamethasone Diapropionate on?

... his penis? The warning on the tube says "not for intravaginal use. " Will it harm me if he has applied it to his penis and we have intercourse?

I had unprotected sex 2 hours after taking Plan B?

Well, my boyfriend and I had sex Friday night at around 11:30 and he brought me the pill on Sunday at round 2:00 A.M I took it immediately but we made the biggest mistake and had sex again at around 3:45 A.M the same day and he finished inside me... What are the chances of me getting pregnant after... read more

Penis pain! I have a bruised penis and it hurt. Haven't seen any improvement. What do I do to help?

It happen during aggressive sex but me and my girlfriend have a lot of it. I happen to miss my mark so to say and my penis did not penetrate when I thrusted aggressively. So my penis got tucked down and the base of my shaft hit. I did not feel any pain at the moment and didn't even notice... read more

DEPO PROVERA- dryness of vagina and soreness of vagina during sex, please help!!?

I started the depo provera injections about a year ago, Ive gotten 3 injections and was supposed to get my 4th a few days ago but decided not to follow through since I felt my body was starting to get weird on it. My first 2 injections were perfect no complaints at all but my last one seemed to... read more

Condom broke, pulled out, on birth control, took plan b. Any chance of being pregnant?

My girlfriend and I had sex. I went to pull out before I ejaculated and after I pulled out my sperm shot out the end of the condom. I am unsure if the condom slipped down or if it tore during sex. I pinched the tip while putting it down as I always do. Anyways, I am worried my girlfriend is... read more

Does the Mirena affect your sex drive?

I had the Paragard after my first child I liked it other then the fact my periods were awful. So after I have my daughter this march the doctor said I should try the Mirena. I'm kind of nervous because I have heard nothing but awful things about it. When you look up reviews they freak me out... read more

Monistat 3 - Protected sex before inserting the last dosage?

My bf and I has protected sex 6-7 hours before I inserted my last (3rd day) dosage, I’m itching way more and mild burning. I had to put on the itching cream which is slowly helping it go away. Did having protected sex affect the dosage of the medication? I was feeling better and itch free... read more

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