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Severe Pain Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 35 questions associated with Severe Pain.

Inguinal Hernia - I had laproscopic left inguinal repair with mesh on 12/22/14. Pain after was not?

... bad but had trouble lifting my left leg to get into the car for about three weeks. On 2/18/15, I began having severe pain in the area of the repair. Pain was so bad that I was unable to stand up straight and unable to bear weight on left leg. Only relief was pushing on painful spot to give it... read more

Can Voltaren gel cause tingling and numbness in hands?

I have been using voltaren gel on an as needed basis. Lately I have been experiencing tingling, numbness in my hands and "dead arm and hands" when I sleep which wakes me up due to the severe pain. Can this be caused by the gel? I am just now starting to connect the dots to my mysterious... read more

How long does it take you cure H-PYLORI? I've completed the treatment but I'm still in severe pain?

I fell burning in my upper abdomen. I constantly feel like I have acid reflux in my throat, no matter what I eat fruit veggies anything makes it worse. I was on a clear liquid diet for a week and still no relief. I just don't know what else to do. My appt for the GI Dr isn't until... read more

Prednisone to alleviate shoulder pain?

I went to the emergency room with severe pain in my left arm. Turns out the dr thinks I may have a torn rotator cuff and prescribed a five day supply of prednisone until I see my orthopedist. Pain in my shoulder is practically gone now. Is that because the prednisone is masking the symptoms or... read more

My Adderall 20mg XR is causing severr muscle pain, headaches, and mood swings.

Should I tell my doctor? I've been taking Adderall 20 mg XR for over 2 months now, and I just don't like what it's doing for me. Severe pain, moody, and I seem overwhelmed more now. I really want to try Vyvanse.

Pain moving up my leg has me confused?

I woke this morning with severe pain in my lower calf. By mid morning the pain had moved to my middle calf. It almost felt like a charley horse. By early evening it had moved up to the back of my thigh. Tonight it is now in the middle of my hip and has awakened me because the pain is severe. I have... read more

Best pain medicine to take for severe pain that works with pregabalin?

I have been prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain ( bone on bone severe arthritis in both wrists, both shoulders, both feet have advanced arthritis & my back), twice a day. I take pregabalin for nerve damage (accidental cutting of nerve during back surgery causing dead nerves in one leg from knee to... read more

How long does it take for Flexeril to take effect?

I got a script for cyclobenzaprine 10mg. I took one over an hour ago. I still have severe pain. How long before I will feel the effects?

There has to be a better solution for people like myself suffering in pain needing pain medications?

I've been pretty healthy person throughout my life I'm 40 years of age but around 3 weeks ago I started having severe pain in my right hip thigh muscles and tendons the pain has gotten so bad at times I felt like my leg is being ripped apart from the inside out if I tried to walk on it... read more

Switch from hydrocodone/acetaminophen?

I was taking hydrocodone/acetaminophen and ran out 24 hours ago, can I now take tramadol? I cannot refill my hydrocodone/acetaminophen for 6 more days and I am in severe pain

INTERACTIONS between goligumab, cbd, paracetamol?

I would appreciate it if you could inform me if there is some interaction between CBD and my drug SIMPONI. Can I take cbd and paracetamol for some days (may be 15-20 days) when I have severe pain, anxiety and stress in the interval between two doses until to put my next injection?

Miralax dosage taken one month ago?

I have taken one dose of Miralax a month ago, and am in severe pain till now, my colon hurts, my bladder hurts, my pelvis hurts, very painful flatulence, very nauseous, kidneys and liver hurt. I can't go without water for more than 5 hours, I have swollen feet and hands, bruising till now, and... read more

Miralax and still in pain?

I have taken one dose of Miralax a month ago, and am in severe pain till now, my colon hurts, my bladder hurts, my pelvis hurts, very painful flatulence, very nauseous, kidneys and liver hurt. I can't go without water for more than 5 hours, I have swollen feet and hands, bruising till now, and... read more

Treating Opioid Overdose with Naloxone

Severe pain in arm after implanon insertion?

I got implanon inserted two days ago by my gp, who's trained in it. I followed all her instructions, kept it bandaged, didn't lift anything heavy, etc. But now, I'm still having severe sharp pain around the site, whenever I move my arm or anything touches it. I can feel the implant... read more

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