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Prozac Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 264 questions associated with Prozac.

Does Elavil really help with panic attacks?

I have been having anxiety and panic attacks for almost a year now and Im ready to just give up on help. I have been on 7 different antidepressants. Prozac, Effexor, Effexor XR, Celexa, Buspar, etc. NONE of those have helped me. One made me suicidal, one made me so physically sick I was... read more

How long do side effects last after stopping Prozac? I have recently weaned off it.

I have wanted to stop as I wonder if it is still helping me? I occasionally feel depressed but nothing like before Prozac. My concern is I have been on Prozac for greater than 30 years. Does it get better or is this a lifetime problem? I have been off one month and now I am feeling irritable, angry... read more

Is is better to take prozac at bedtime?

I have been prescribed prozac to take at bedtime but will this help me throughout the day. My doctor feels that I'm depressed but I feel that I just need something to calm my nerves and take the edge off.

3rd day I taking Prozac... Why am I feeling like this?

Yesterday was my 3rd day taking 20mg of Prozac prescribed by the doctor for depression and major anxiety and panic attacks. I am 19 years old. The first day was okay, couldn't sleep well but that's all. 2nd day was good but woke up feeling anxious. Went to the restroom and had a panic... read more

Taking Wellbutrin and Prozac?

I have PTSD, depression and anxiety. I've been on Prozac for years and in March switched to Wellbutrin. I began having bad headaches, fuzzy thinking and just didn't feel right. I heard taking Prozac and Wellbutrin together can be more therapeutic together. Will taking Wellbutrin with... read more

Just took a 10mg prozac. I was extremely anxious before. I haven't wanted to take it for over 5?

... years. I'm very afraid. I'm a fully housebound agoraphobic that suffers from OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks. Will this help me? I don't want to get worse!

Can low amounts of xanax be taken safely long-term for chronic anxiety panic phobic-avoidances, etc?

On Prozac for years but not much help. Is xanax too risky because of potential withdrawl, tolerance, etc. Is a safe to take a low amount long-term; will that keep working?

Did anyone on Prozac experience weight loss, and is that go away with time?

I am currently taking 5mg Prozac, will go up to 10mg on Wednesday after a week, but have no appetite. Having panic attacks and feel sleepy and nervous, but I am sticking with it, because I lost 4 pounds or maybe 5 in 4 days. That is the only thing so far I like about this medicine. Just wondering... read more

Has anyone experienced concentration, focusing, memory problems due to depression or anxiety?

I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I am 37 yr old female with no history of mental health issues. I have been having a lot of problems with concentrating and focusing while trying to do everyday things not to mention trying to work. I also have a hard time recalling information... read more

Is weight gain a normal side effect whilst taking prozac?

my weight has shot up so much recently and seems to coincide with my medication being put up from 1 to 2 capsules a day . ive been on prozac for many years but weight gain has not been a problem before ..

Been on prozac 20mg for 2weeks. I am falling asleep mid day. Anyone else experience this ?

I have since changed the TIME of day I take my SSRI from morning to night didn't work- i fell asleep at 11 am, woke because i HAD to at 2 pm. instead of falling asleep at 2pm. So not much of an improvement switching from day to night. Anyway, if not for your answers I would not still be trying... read more

Will major fatigue go away with time while taking prozac?

I just started taking 20mg prozac and 150mg wellbuterin. I have been on them for a wk. I have been so tired that I sleep all day and night. Will this go away or is this a side effect? I have a 2 and 3 yr old to take care of and just cant be this tired."

Well today is the first day of Effexor XR for me and I feel strange. Will this go away?

For those who have followed my story. I suffer severe constant anxiety. I even have a bag packed to go to emergency it is so bad/ I have been on 10 mg of prozac which didn't seem to do me any good at all. I saw the Dr yesterday and he switched me to Effexor. 37.5 mg caps for a week and then... read more

I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??

Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through anxiety. Can anyone can help with a medicine I can take besides benzos to keep my anxiety under control until the Zoloft starts working? I really need help. It's tough rite... read more

How long will Prozac side effects last?

For 20 years, I took 20mg of Prozac for depression and panic attacks and it worked wonders. This past year, I went through a phase where I was forgetting to take it and before I knew it, I hadn't taken it in months. All the old depression and anxiety symptoms returned with a vengeance and I... read more

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