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Polymyalgia Rheumatica Questions (Page 2)

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Displaying 36 questions associated with Polymyalgia Rheumatica.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Urgent need for information on prednisone dosage for PMR flares.

Have been tapering and now at 2 mg. But have had three flareups this year. Several doctors, including specialist at Duke, don't seem to know enough about PMR to provide enough medication to treat the return of painful swelling. How have you dealt with this in communicating with your doctor?... read more

Starting Actemra for PMR, RA and GCA looking for others currently using Actemra?

Hello! I am starting Actemra next week. I was Dx with PMR in 2004 and in January of this year and landed in the hospital with GCA and the worst headache of my life. I also have RA. I switched rheumatologists and my new one recommended I research and consider starting Actemra. I would like to know... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - is shakiness a symptom of PMR or prednisone?

I was diagnosed three months ago with PMR and started on 20mg of prednisone. I'm down to 15mg but still don't feel good and have shakiness especially in the a.m. Anybody else experience shakiness? Thanks. SueQ

I have just been started on prednisone for Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I'm looking for any input from?

... anyone else out there that my be taking it for this condition and any problems they may have encountered? It seems like one has to stay on this for an undetermined amount of time to resolve it?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Does anyone have swollen sore hands as a side effect to taking Prednisone?

I have been on prednisone since sept. I am now weening off of it, and am waking up with painful, swollen hands. Has anyone else with rheumatica had this happen?

I have excessive sweating on face and head can prednisone cause this?

It hits when I exert or stress I get wring and wet! Is this dangerous? I am trying to get off slowly. On prednisone for one year. My sed rate is normal now.? What can I do to help this?

Is anyone taking Kevzara or Actemra?

Dosage? With or without prednisone? Side effects? For how long? Efficacy?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - is prednisone the only drug of choice for this condition?

I joined this support group for my husband, he his on prednisone but we were wondering if this was all there is for this condition? Prednisone is a wonder drug but it too can have problems.

Can prednisone cause blurred vision and numbness in feet?

Been on 20ng per day prednisone for PMR for 5 months. Toes have started going numb and vision blurring. Can these be side affects of prednisone? When finally get weaned off prednisone, will these problems go away?

Does polymyalgia rheumatica recur?

Does polymyalgia rheumatica recur? I had it 5 years ago and endured many months of misery. Also got a cataract from the steroids. Now my upper arm muscles are getting sore again. Same time of year, same location (southern Arizona).

Prednisone and Surgery: I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and need hip replacement surgery?

In the process of preparing for a hip replacement surgery, they found that I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica 3 weeks ago. I was in such debilitating pain, so the Prednisone really has helped the PMR. Unfortunately, the orthopedic surgeon will not do the hip replacement surgery until I get my Prednisone... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - I am 51 and was diagnosed with PMR two years ago by an internal medicine...

... NP. The rheumatologist I have just started seeing says I am "too young" to have PMR, though I have all the debilitating symptoms and have been treated with Prednisone now for two years. He is weaning me off of the medication, but with each decrease my symptoms are worsening to the... read more

Does polymyalgia rheumatica go away?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Does anyone else have flareups of PMR when trying drugs for other...

... conditions? Over the past few years I have been prescribed several muscle relaxers and blood thinners, also metformin and Cymbalta. Within two days the painful swelling is so bad I can barely get from one room to the next. Doctors and family members say to just keep taking the drug for at least... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - I was diagnosed with PMR 8 months ago and was started on prednisolone....

... but it had little impact on the pain. I've been on methotrexate and Arcoxia for 6 months now but the pain and stiffness is not improving. In fact it's worse. Is this usual in the early months?

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