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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 52)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Does Viibryd cause heart palpitations?

I have been suffering with anxiety for several months now. I have tried Zoloft made me feel like a zombie. Lexapro worked but caused insomnia. Tried Buspar but caused insomnia. Tried Wellbutrin but gave me the nervous energy on edge feeling. Been prescribed viibryd started at 10mg. The first 4 days... read more

How long before feeling Paxil kick in?

Been having debilitating anxiety for the last 6 months. Crippling nausea, jitters and overall feeling of dizziness. Had all sorts of medical tests. Heart, endocrine, Gastro. All looked normal. I quit drinking alcohol and have tried all sorts of ADs. I’m on my 9th day of Paxil. First 7 days at... read more

Can Lexapro make you feel panicky?

I recently switched from Paxil to lexapro for depression and anxiety. I’ve been taking lexapro for 3 weeks now and have had a few days recently where I’ve felt like I’m having a panic attack. Anyone have this happen? Am I still in the “adjustment phase”? My depression... read more

Citalopram for 7 weeks (anxiety)?

I have taken citalopram for around 7 weeks for anxiety that has been present for many years, constant worrying, health anxiety, panic attacks and more. I started on 10mg for 4 weeks and have now been taking 20mg for 3 weeks. Had pretty rough side effects during the first week but that passes to... read more

Escitalopram - Lexapro First 2 weeks side effects?

Hi all, i started lexapro 11 days ago now, and it has been a bit of tough road so far.. I was on celexa 3 years ago for panic & anxiety and got after a year and was pretty successful. My anxiety came back around 8 weeks ago and i went to a different doc you recommended lexapro 5mg, I started... read more

What if you took 30mg of Valium a day and doctor switch you to 4mg Klonopin a day?

I was talking 30 mg of Valium a day for 1 and 1/2 years they just was not working up and down all night I too all 3 at once to try to get sleep no way up and down I tried everything and I'm a single full-time dad of a baby girl she 6 I got to get her up for school not a problem doctor finally... read more

Buspar, is the first week the easy one?

I started taking Buspar about 1 week ago today. My psychiatrist said I am very sensitive to medications so she started me on a very low dose. I started taking 2.5 mg once in the mornings, the first 5 days I felt on top of the world! Then she told me I could add a second dose in the afternoon.... read more

Lorazepam - Is it safe to suddenly stop taking prescription Ativan?

I've been prescribed 2mg Ativan one time a day for 3 years. Is stopping cold turkey safe or is tapering off recommended?

Sertraline - Should I increase my dose?

Hi. I've been on 50mg Sertraline since mid July. Had a very rocky start (first 7-10 days were hell) Then after 2 weeks I started to feel better, which improved every day for about a month. Then this last month my symptoms have slowly crept back in again. Time for an increase in dose or... read more

Citalopram support - 10mg 3.5 weeks?

I’m on 10 mg of Citalopram and I’ve been on it for 3 1/2 weeks for severe anxiety and panic disorder. The first two weeks were specially difficult, but I’ve definitely notice moments lasting hours/ half days feeling good. However, sometimes I’ll get periods of feeling awful... read more

Need some support - citalopram 10mg/

I’ve just finished my 4th week on citalopram 10mg for severe anxiety/panic disorder. The first few weeks weren’t fun and then things started getting a tiny bit better. I struggle mostly in the evening when it gets dark and for nearly every night for the past year I’ve felt a... read more

Sertraline - Does sertraline make you feel worse initially?

I’ve been taking 25g Sertraline for 3 days, but my feelings of anxieties and panic are worse! Is this normal?

Klonopin as needed - When should I be worried?

I'm prescribed to up to 1mg of Klonopin daily as needed. Generally I take this medication 1 to 3 times a week on average, sometimes I go several weeks without it. I generally only take it when my anxiety or ASD-caused agitation gets to a point of negatively affecting my day or is causing my... read more

2 month on Lexapro (5mg), but still having anxiety & intrusive thoughts?

I just started Lexapro this last month for anxiety, after having side effects from Zoloft. The first month on Lexapro was great, when i went back to the doctor for a usual check up on how the meds were doing he advise me to up it to 10mg, which i refused ( i know dumb me ). So I guess now I am... read more

Has anybody developed tinnitus on 100 mg of sertraline?

I started sertraline in January of this year due to anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I had a severe breakdown and had to retire early as I couldn’t function. Sertraline gradual increase from 25 to 50 to 100 mg. I am more relaxed, however I am like a couch potato after having been... read more

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