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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 35)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

I just started Lisinopril 10mg today is red face and fast heart rate normal? I'm Also on Effexor XR?

... 150mg which I started Monday for severe anxiety. I'm a worry wart and want to make sure this is Nothing to worry about

Prozac - Best time to take Fluoxetine or no best time?

I took my first fluoxetine pill yesterday at 1pm, woke up in my sleep at about 1:45am and started having a really bad trip... Felt like I was sinking, a bit numb and really panicky. Can't get back to sleep now. Not sure if placebo or the pill is already taking effect? If so can't really... read more

I have been on lexapro 10mg for 4 days now, and am wondering when the awful side effects will stop?

I was prescribed lexapro 10 mg for severe anxiety/ depression. Today is my 4th day and I've already had 1 panic attack the second day I was on the medication. I had not had any panic attacks for a while before starting this medicine which is what raised my concern. I take the lexapro in the... read more

Anyone have panic attacks and severe anxiety after hysterectomy?

I'm 41 years old and had a complete hysterectomy last year. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for about 15 years and recently within the last 3 months came off of a large list of medications. Seraquel Xanax Zoloft vistaril. Went to an inpatient detox . I'm now on... read more

Can a dr prescribe you 2 different benzo's for different symptoms?

I have been Rx'd Klonopin (1.5-3mg daily dose increased over 3 years), Ativan (0.5-1mg prn 2xs daily over 8 months) and currently have been prescribed Valium 10mg 1/2 to 1 tab twice daily prn. I have been on it for at least 5 years and it is no longer helping me or not as much. I am having... read more

Day 12 on lexapro having really bad insomnia?!?

Hi all. Firstly I was on aropax (Paxil) for 15 years to help with anxiety and depression. The last nine months I have been having extremely bad anxiety again so bad I had to quit my job. Saw my DR and he suggested I did a straight swap from aropax to lexapro. He advised me of some side effects.... read more

Switch from Lexapro to Prozac?

Has anyone ever switched from Lexapro to Prozac for anxiety and panic and had good results? I've been on Lexapro for 6 months, will I have bad withdawal?

Sertraline - Help horrible heart burn from 50mg Zoloft what to do?

Started on 25 mg for 10 days doc uped it 50 mg horrible heartburn and burnt gas how can I cure this?

Fluoxetine - Derealization??? I need help . what can I do?

I have severe ocd panics axienty && derealization . which is scary things don't feel "real " like life isn't real. Hard to explain but anyone have advice. I'm about giving up. Just started on Prozac but I feel like I forgot what it was like to feel normal I hope... read more

How long before the Prozac side effects stop after discontinuation?

I was put on Prozac for depression and only took it for about 4 days. It caused some pretty horrible side effects in me and agitated my mild anxiety tenfold, which then turned into a constant state of severe, nearly uncontrollable panic. I was told by my doctor to discontinue it. I've been... read more

Zithromax - While taking the Z pak does it cause bad anxiety?

I already have anxiety problems I have very bad panic attacks. I was wondering if taking the Z pak if it would cause my anxiety ( panic attacks) to start up again?

Many UPs and DOWNs during the day is this NORMAL while I build up to the therapeutic dose?

Day 36 on sertraline 21 @25mg and 15@50mg. For the last 5 days have been experiencing moments of feeling normal and these UPs have lasted a couple of hours before the wave of anxiety builds. Is this cycling between UPs and DOWNs normal during this period? Will the UPS eventually get longer and the... read more

How many people get prescribed a dosage of 0.5mg lorazepam? What about 2mg?

Lorazepam has, as far as I know, only ever been available in tablets of 1mg and 2.5mg; I have never met anyone at my sufferers' group who has been prescribed anything other than multiples of these. I thought 2mg tablets were only sold in India and Pakistan & you would need a pill splitter... read more

Zoloft - Upped my dose from 50 to 100mg, how long would it usually be to take effect?

Started sertraline 50mg on the 3rd of May, after a couple weeks my mood had elevated significantly but after a couple weeks of that good mood I dropped back down. My dose has been increased to 100 due to that. It's been 4 days, anyone know how long it'd usually take?

I have a severely bruised penis!?

It happen after having sex. I grew a large ball under the skin of the top of my shaft. Like half the size the of a golf ball. It didn't hurt but, I immediately started to panic. After a while the large ball went down. Now I'm left with a large puple bruise on the top of my shaft.... read more

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Related condition support groups

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Related drug support groups

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