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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 12)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Just started Pristiq this morning. Feel extremely nauseos and sleepy?

Does anyone else have this problem? Do you have to take it at night? I feel really terrible and extremely lethargic. Please help. Only taking 50mg.

Is Alprazolam and xanax the same thing?

Anxiety - taking xanax everyday?

i just started with generic zoloft for anxiety/panic. and the dr gave me .5 xanax to take as needed. i have been taking one every nightm cause it been really hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.and the past few days i have been breaking the pill in half and taking during the day when my anxiety... read more

What time should I take ambien, aderall xr, and clonazapam to sleep?

Ambien 20mg, adderall 20mg XR, Clonazapam .5-1mg pnr I take ambien for insomnia (a high dose because my body has always needed a lot), adderall for adhd inattentive type- it's supposed to help with insomnia and anxiety, and clonazapam as needed for anxiety. What time should I take each to... read more

Anyone taken Gabapentin and xanax xr, how did you find it?

I have been prescribed 1mg xanax xr twice a day, and 300mg gabapectin twice a day. I am a little nervous about taking it as i saw there were drug interactions on eppocrates for cns depression and addiction. currently i have only been taking 1mg xanax xr twice a day and 300mg, but am supposed to up... read more

I have been on Klonopin for 16 yrs and developed a tolerance is Xanax a viable alternative?

I have been on Clonazepam for 16 years for anxiety, and it seems like I have developed a tolerance to it (Shocking after just 16 years, I know... ) Ativan was an unpleasant replacement. It made me very lethargic and I had to take it like 3-4 times a day, not as needed like with Clonazepam. I also... read more

Effexor - venlafaxine and trazodone?

... Does anyone take these two meds together? The Effexor helps with generalized, social disorder, and panic attacks..even as it keys me up..helps me from becoming unglued I take 50mg of trazodone at night..helps me sleep... helps with anxiety

Did anyone have to try several ssri meds before one worked?

I have tried Zoloft celexa and lexapro which all never did anything for depression anxiety and panic now I'm trying paxil did anyone try several meds in the same class before one worked I also tried Effexor snri that didn't work

Should I Feel Worrisome Taking Fluoxetine "Generic For Prozac" 20mg Once A Day?

When my doctor prescribed this to me it was because of my anxiety which is chronic"Everyday All Day I've Got Anxiety" For about 5 years now but the past year maybe longer its getting so bad! I constantly suffer from chest pains all day long, panic attacks on a regular, worried about... read more

Can you have a drink or two while taking Effexor XR?

I am currently taking Xanax and Risperdal for severe social and general anxiety that keeps me confined to my house most of the time. I am just getting off of BuSpar and starting Effexor XR, 150mg daily tomorrow. A few times a week I like to watch sporting events a have a few drinks, and... read more

I have severe anxiety.started prozac very low dose 4 weeks ago and feel worse.will it get better?

I didn't know I would be able to add more detail, so was trying to fit my question in with 100 characters... I have severe/anxiety panic disorder. I have not left my house for 2 years (on occassion grocery store with my husband). I have a real sensivity to meds..I have started on a very low... read more

I'm really nervous to start prozac 10mg. Any good advice before beginning this antidepressant?

I was on paxil for about three years when I felt it wasn't working anymore so I weaned off and tried to see if I could be without any medication and bam it came back worse than ever. For some odd reason I'm extremely nervous to start the prozac, as I never had any bad side effects with... read more

How do you know Zoloft is starting to work?

Was wondering if anyone could share with me what they noticed when zoloft started working for them? Was it small tiny improvements at first or was it a significant difference one day?

I've had anxiety all my life, prescribed lexapro. (Please don't give me horror stories)?

Hi, I've had severe anxiety my ENTIRE life. From horrible panick attacks when I was younger, to crazy uncontrollable thoughts that I have now. I worry about everything under the sun, and some days I feel like I'm crazy. Some days I'm depressed and some days I'm fine. I've... read more

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Related condition support groups

Agoraphobia, Anxiety

Related drug support groups

Xanax, Zoloft, sertraline, Prozac, Klonopin, clonazepam, citalopram, bupropion, buspirone, view more... BuSpar, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, Ativan, alprazolam, Paxil, propranolol, Effexor XR, lorazepam, nortriptyline, paroxetine, Xanax XR, clomipramine, fluvoxamine, desvenlafaxine

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