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Pain Questions (Page 8)

Displaying 2228 questions associated with Pain.

Fibromyalgia - HELP... Im in so much pain I just can't take it anymore. I was diagnosed with Fibro.?

... about 9-10 months ago. I have been in pain for the last two years, but didnt wanna sound like a Baby to my Dr. Finally went in and this is what they said I had. I have been on Tramadol, Cymbalta, Gabapentin, Cyclobenziprein. Sorry for the spelling, but you get it. Nothing has really worked. My... read more

Spinal fusion - was it worth it for your back pain?

OK guys, I went to see a surgeon today and he suggested a spinal fusion. I know what a spinal fusion is so I dont need that explained. What I want to know is if you have had one for your back pain and do you think it is worth it? They gave me about a 70% success rate. I am supposed to think about... read more

Any one experience trouble breathing, fatigue, heart palpitations?

I had Mirena in for a little bit over 3 weeks and had it removed. I started noticing heart palpitations (skipped beats, racing heart, fluttering) and chest pain. I also started getting short of breath over nothing. Just a few steps and i was breathing hard and felt so tired. Since having it removed... read more

Best brand for Percocet 10/325 ?

I've been prescribed Percocet 10/325 for chronic pain. My question is I have to decide between Watson or Endo. Has anyone ever been given either of these two brands. Which works better? Thanks. I welcome all comments.

What can I do to stop weight gain caused by Lyrica?

Lyrica works well for me. I suffer from chronic pain due to 6 ruptured 6... 4 in my neck and 2 huge ones in my lower bato from an auto accident where I got rear ended. I believe I got fibromyalgia due to the accident. My pain is terrible to the point where I take Zofran for nausea. My pcp did blood... read more

Hi, anyone taking Neurontin/Gabapentin have a difficult time urinating?

I'm embarassed to ask this, but I really want to know if this is being caused by the Neurontin. I must sit and wait for the urine stream to start and it's becoming a real pain. In restaurant bathrooms or bars I just sit there and wait, while other girls go in and urinate, wash hands then... read more

Pain in arm due to implanon?

I've had the birth control implanon in my arm for about 3-4 months and everything has been great except recently I've been getting pains. I went to my doctors and she reassured me it was okay because I wasn't swollen or red... but that seems strange to me, because the day after the... read more

Apotex Corp Fentanyl Transdermal Patches?

I was told by my pain management doctor that after getting the Mallinckrodt brand Fentanyl patches for about 3 years that it's now discontinued. Does anybody know for sure whether or not Mallinckrodt Fentanyl Transdermal patches are discontinued? He now gave me this new brand of patches by... read more

Why do my feet and toes curl and cramp severely at night?

Let me start by saying I have a lot of spine problems Cervical,lumbar and thoracic so I guess maybe that is why the cramping and pain in feet and toes are getting worse.It started with zinging pain underneath my toes when I walked... NOW It is so bad that I cant get out of bed fast enough and some... read more

What's the best generic Fentanyl Patch? SANDOZ? MYLAN?

I heard that the MYLAN brand is the best do to the size and adhesive properties. I also heard that the SANDOZ brand is exactly the same as the brand name Duragesic. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

If anyone else is taking neurontin for nerve pain, can you tell me what your experience has been?

... like? Beside the effects on your nerves, what are the effects on your body and mind? My physician prescribed it to me yesterday for nerve pain from an injury. I took it last night and I was high as a kite. I had a hard time with my balance and vision. This morning I almost felt as though I... read more

Does generic clonazepam (Teva) work as well as brand Klonopin?

I occasionally take .5mg of Teva clonazepam for nerve pain. I find there is quite a lot of variation in the effectiveness of the tablets -- some work 100% well and some only 50-70%. I was wondering if this is due to it being a generic. Any thoughts?

PLEASE HELP! Going through wds... and on suboxone?

Hey guys! I will start off by saying that I have been using opiates for about 3 years now. It started with vikes..then perks..then methadone and now I am a mess. My whole life has been ruined. Before the methadone I was taking 5 percocet 10mg at a time and it wasnt even giving me a buzz (This is... read more

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Chronic Pain, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Muscle Pain, Neuralgia, Neck Pain, Chronic Myofascial Pain, Nocturnal Leg Cramps, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, Breakthrough Pain

Related drug support groups

tramadol, gabapentin, ibuprofen, oxycodone, Tylenol, hydrocodone, naproxen, acetaminophen, meloxicam, view more... amitriptyline, aspirin, Percocet, hydroxyzine, Norco, pregabalin, duloxetine, diclofenac, methadone, OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine, cyclobenzaprine, Celebrex, Aleve, fentanyl, Advil, Voltaren, morphine, clonidine, Paracetamol Teva, nortriptyline, buprenorphine, Butrans, Paracetamol, Dilaudid, Motrin, cannabis, Tylenol PM, indomethacin, Toradol, Lortab, Ultram, Vistaril, acetaminophen / hydrocodone, Roxicodone, ketamine, Arthritis Pain, Atarax, ketorolac, Percocet 10/325, Nucynta, hydromorphone

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