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Pain Questions (Page 33)

Displaying 2228 questions associated with Pain.

Can diclofenac be used for tooth pain?

I take 1200 mg Gabapentin tid. Lately I have tried 1800mg tid. Is that too much?

My pain dr has told me that dosages are very individualized. How much is safe? I have an appt next wk so I can ask him then I guess. Just curious

Percocet 10/325 - About how much would a 120 bollte of percocet 10-325 cost without insurance? My?

... insurance plan is changing at years end and im gona lose my co-pay. any input would be greatly appreciated

Acetaminophen/Oxycodone - do the pills expire?

Mine are two years past the expiration date, but the doctors in my area are treating me like a junky and i have strep throat so bad i can't take the pain. Does the expiration date affect the effectiveness of the drug?

Can you take Norco after Suboxone?

I've been on Suboxone approx 2 months - and recently found out i have to have some extensive oral surgery. I will need to take Norco following surgery and want to see if anyone else has had similar experience or would know if I will go through Suboxone withdrawals... while taking the Norco...... read more

Oxycontin vs morphine sulfate?

I've been taking oxycontine 40mg 2x a day for about 6 months for severe pain and they aren't working anymore .So, my doctor wrote a perscription for morphine sulfate er 40mg 2x a day .Is this equal or is there a percentage from one to the other ?? I know there isn't a 40 mg .They... read more

How much does aderall/vivance help "brain fog" due to Lupus & Fibromyalgia?

I am a 30 yr. old mother recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & even more recently Lupus. Within 2 yrs. my life has flipped completly! From a MMA fighter & Dancer to a woman in so much pain I can't function 1/2 the time. Now I'm overwhelmed & scared of all these medications... read more

Is is true that methadone blocks the effects of other opiates like oxycodone?

i was recently prescribed 5mg of methadone HCI 2x a day and 10mg of oxycodone for breakthrough pain. Someone told me that methadone blocks other opiates, but then why would my Dr. put me on oxy with the Methadone? Thank you!

Does Suboxone interact with Tramadol (or Ultram)?

I've been taking Suboxone for 2 months and was prescribed tramadol ER for pain. Will the Suboxone cause problems for me or cut down the effectiveness of the medication if I take the tramadol ER?

Can I quit taking Suboxone after 4 days of taking it and NOT have withdrawals?

I took Norco 10/325 for 3 months due to back to back foot surgeries. The pain in my feet finally was bearble to where I did not need the Norco but I began having pretty bad withdrawals. I was having unbearable leg pain, anxiety and mentally seeking more. I found a doctor that prescribes Suboxone in... read more

Leg pain that starts in the ankle, moves up the leg, then moves to the other side and goes down it?

As long as I can remember, I've had leg pains in the exact same spot, being my inner calf. As I've grown up though, it seems that it changes a bit. Its always the same spot, but it now start in one leg (typically my ankle), moves up it, then switches to the other side, down that side, to... read more

Soma - Will Tramadol relieve a moderately severe muscle spasm/pinched nerve?

On going for over a week, got better but now it is back. Starting at the bace of the scull going along the spine to right above the bra line and out through the sholder and down the arm. Below the elbow and through the hand is ocnly numb with tingling in outside part of hand/ring & pinky... read more

Tramadol - what drug class?

What do you do when your pain meds have disappeared!?

I went into my drawer where I keep all my medications and one was missing... my Avinza 120mg. I got this refilled on 2/29 and filled up my weekly pill container. This morning I it was time to fill it again and my Avinza seems to have disappeared. I dumped both drawers out, thinking it might have... read more

Is it safe to take1 Naproxen 500 MG tablet along with 1 Hydrocodone 7.5 tablet ?

Presently, I have excruciating back and leg pain and I take one Hydrocodone 750 plus one Carisoprodol 350 MG (Soma). The pain is still there. What shoul I do?

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Chronic Pain, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Muscle Pain, Neuralgia, Neck Pain, Chronic Myofascial Pain, Nocturnal Leg Cramps, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, Breakthrough Pain

Related drug support groups

tramadol, gabapentin, ibuprofen, oxycodone, Tylenol, hydrocodone, naproxen, acetaminophen, meloxicam, view more... amitriptyline, aspirin, Percocet, hydroxyzine, Norco, pregabalin, duloxetine, diclofenac, methadone, OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine, cyclobenzaprine, Celebrex, Aleve, fentanyl, Advil, Voltaren, morphine, clonidine, Paracetamol Teva, nortriptyline, buprenorphine, Butrans, Paracetamol, Dilaudid, Motrin, cannabis, Tylenol PM, indomethacin, Toradol, Lortab, Ultram, Vistaril, acetaminophen / hydrocodone, Roxicodone, ketamine, Arthritis Pain, Atarax, ketorolac, Percocet 10/325, Nucynta, hydromorphone

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