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Is penicillin good for pain when you have a tooth ache?

5 Answers

Tony1997 20 May 2018

What is penicillin for ?

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subzero58 3 March 2010

as u have read in other answers penisil is a antibiotic, however if a tooth giving u pain and a dentist looks at it and sayes tbe tooth is infected they prescrib it to kill the infection so your tooth can b removed safely. root canal is a temporary fix. the tooth usually dies in the long run. when the swelling goes down have it pulled or filed down and capped. one thing to remember, when u take stay out of direct sunlight and woman on birthcontrol it can caues it to stop working.

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JohnySmith 3 March 2010

penicillin is an antibiotic and is not a pain killer. I dont think that it would be helpful for you

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79olivia 30 Jan 2017

Yes antibiotics is good for infections that's causing pain..

missy2 3 March 2010

penicillin is good if you have an abcesses or swollen tissue from an infection although it will take a day or so to work it may stop the pain for a day or up to a week, but unless you take care of the problem with the tooth like have it removed or a root canal and a crown put on the tooth, the problem will keep occuring sometimes each time worst than the first.

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afulgieri 3 March 2010

It is good for taking the infection away which is causing the pain. It takes a few days to work.

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pain, penicillin

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