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Osteoarthritis Questions (Page 4)

Related terms: Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Arthritis, Degenerative joint disease (DJD), Hypertrophic Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthrosis, DJD, OA, Degenerative Joint disease, Joint Pain, Gonarthrosis, Sacroiliac Arthritis

Displaying 215 questions associated with Osteoarthritis.

How long does it take for the joint pains to go away after stopping Accutane?

I took Accutane for my acne problem for about 2 months and realised that I started getting severe joint pains almost everywhere (feets, elbows, shoulder, knees, etc.). Never had this problem before. I stopped it after that. Its been about three weeks and the pain still has not gone away. I can... read more

Does Augmentin ES-600 cause severe knee / joint pain during and after the prescribed course?

Given Augmentin ES-600 for 10 days for Cellulitis in lower leg; now have changed Antibiotics and have had severe pain in both knees in all positions. Is the knee pain from the Augmentin??

I feel I have been treated badly by a doctor, how do I report him?

This is my first time posting and I had to from being so upset.I have rotator cuff tears in both shoulders with osteoarthritis in the left and tendonitis in the right.I recently had surgery in March on my right shoulder,everything was fine until I went to therapy and the therapist went to far and... read more

Be Careful taking Vitamin D! If you are sensitive, there are numerous side effects, some quite?

... debilitating. Chest pain, joint pain, insomnia, fatique, itching, depression and much more!!! Please take small doses and work up gradually - and track any changes that are bothersome. Good luck!

How do you take cymbalta, 2 pills daily, 1st script - 2 pills night, next script 1 twice a day??

when do most take their pills, day, night, 2 pills at a time or 1 pill twice a day, morning and evening? i am also on the Butrans Pain patch for osteoporosis pain. my recent bone density test -4.6 also on Buspirone 2 tablets twice daily and various other drugs for COPD. I was prescribed Cymbalta... read more

I have all symptoms of hypothyroidism but bloodwork is all normal. I have thinning brittle hair,?

... depression, weight gain around middle, irregular periods sometimes two a month sometimes skip months, moody, back and joint pain, depression, difficulty sleeping, cold extremeties, low body temp etc. A doc has finally agreed to start me on low dose armour thyroid but I'm scared. Will I... read more

What is the best relief for hip joint pain?

Is it OK to take Tramadol and Cymbalta together?

I am currently taking 50 mg Tramadol 2-3x a day for pain from PMR & arthritis. Doctor just prescribed Cymbalta, 30mg 1x day. Is it safe to take these together?

Has anyone had a problem with joint pain while taking bupropion?

Has anyone had a problem with increased anxiety from taking bupropion? Has anyone had a problem with ringing in the ears (tinnitus) while taking wellbutrin? I have taken generic wellbutrin for years. Just recently quit taking it because of unbearable side effects. Been off of it for 2 weeks. No... read more

Mirtazapine - mirtazapam (stiffness and joint pain)?

I am experiencing muscle stiffness, fatigue and joint pain. I was wondering whether anybody else was having the same sort of problem when taking this medication? It has helped with my anxiety and depression but I’m not sure if I have side effects or something else is wrong. I also take... read more

I suffer from severe joint pain in all my major joints!?

It started in May of 2012 in my feet and has now spread to all my major joints! I can barely walk anymore and also I am losing muscle strength. Like if I squat down I cannot get back up without help. I am on several pain medications but nothing seems to completely work. It makes the pain tolerable... read more

Can Tramadol make you hypersensitive with the pain you were originally prescribed the tramadol for?

I have chronic Osteoarthritis of my cervical / lumbar spine with multilevel stenosis and neural compromise, I now have the Osteoarthritis in my hands mainly my thumb joints are badly worn causing crepitus and a extreme toothache type pain 24/7 . All my main joints ache/are painful and are stiff. My... read more

I am facing a total hip replacement due to bone on bone with no cartridge left in one of my hips.

I have been in chronic pain and severe arthritis pain for 25 years and I’m not getting treatment for it until now, I recently got an orthopedic surgeon appointment at the first meeting my X-rays showed my fears my left hip has degenerated to bone on bone extremely painful and also rheumatoid... read more

Is Celebrex good for fibromyalgia pain?

I have had lumbar fusion at L4-5 and L5-S1 with two titanium rods, 6 pins and screws and metal baskets plus bone grafting in between the vertebrae. That was two years ago. Now when I do too much around the house or bend too much, my hips hurt terribly, and I get spasm above the area of the metal in... read more

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