This is my first time posting and I had to from being so upset.I have rotator cuff tears in both shoulders with osteoarthritis in the left and tendonitis in the right.I recently had surgery in March on my right shoulder,everything was fine until I went to therapy and the therapist went to far and retire my rotator cuff.I told my surgeon was in extreme pain and he didn't believe me.he didn't give me better pain meds so I ended up going to a pm Dr.he gave my correct meds.I had a second MRI to see that my rotator cuff was retore.surgeon referred me to a specialist.when I saw him yesterday all he could say is stop taking these meds.I explained to him I was in so much pain that I could not sleep and the Percocet helps.he then told me that I should not be in so much pain because I only have one muscle that was tore.he would not look at any of my MRI's,disk or operative report.he then moved my arm in certain positions that gutted and he said why are you making those faces telling me that I am not in pain and I am bullish**ing.he through my papers at me and I left in fiery.he must have thought I wanted meds or something,but that doesn't give him any right to be treated like that.I am willing to go to the end of the earth to report this guy because anyone,better yet a patient you known for 2 min. should be treated like that.I am in Illinois and i would like any input or suggestions to help me report this Dr