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Operation Questions

Displaying 6 questions associated with Operation.

How long will I have to take Keppra after craniotomy for benign meningioma ?

I had a seizure and collapsed. They found a brain tumour in the hospital. I had surgery to remove a benign meningioma from the frontal lobe. The operation was ten weeks ago. I am taking 500mg Keppra twice daily. How long will I have to continue taking this for ? I do not have epilepsy.

Can I take tramadol with paracetamol and ibuprofen?

I am having a face operation tomorrow and know I will be in pain for a week. I know I can take paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately every 2 hours, but could I take tramadol as well, especially at night?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Second TURP Operation to Finish?

I have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) where my prostate has grown to 100cc. I am 60 years old and I am scheduled for surgery in ten days. The doctor will be using the Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) method to remove tissue around the urethra. The doctor said the we may not be... read more

Chronic Back Pain - An old vertebra fracture of the mid-back (T-8) is now naturally fusing with with

... the vertebra above and below giving me excruciating pain. Would an operation help?

Creon side effects and minimum dosage?

In 2005 I suffered a bad case of Severe Acute Necrotizing Ideopathic Pancreatits. They wanted to operate to remove my panceras, but decided I would not survive the operation. Fortunately my temperature began to subside and I'm still here to tell the story. Subsequent scans showed that 75% of... read more

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