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Monistat Questions

Displaying 173 questions associated with Monistat.

Why does Monistat burn/itch so bad?

Can you have sex while using Monistat?

Do you wash Monistat out in the morning?

How long do you have to lay down for after using Monistat?

Monistat-1: white discharge and burning, is this normal?

I used Monistat-1 on Tuesday night for a yeast infection before bed. It's not Friday and since then, I've been having a white, sort of grainy like discharge. It kind of smells sterile or like medicine. Is it the medicine coming out of me? Is this normal? And should I call my gynecologist?... read more

Can I use Monistat while pregnant?

I got Monistat 7 for a yeast infection and after 2 days my symptoms are gone except for an itch.

Can I stop using it? The discharge has gone and the swelling and irritation have gone but I am still rather itchy. Should I continue treatment? I am on day 4.

Can antibiotics cause yeast infections?

How do you clean Monistat out of its reusable applicator?

Can I put a tampon in to hold Monistat 7 inside me and is it safe to use with a tampon?

If not, why can't you use a tampon to hold it in? I cannot get the cream to stay in without a tampon. Is this safe?

Miconazole - How long does it take for 1 day treatment to absorb inside you?

So I took the monistat 1 day treatment for a yeast infection. I wasn't really having any symptoms, other than the discharge, so I decided to just use the one day insert (the big round capsul-ish looking thing). Well I inserted it day before yesterday and now, 2 days later, the medicine is... read more

Monistat-1 - Monistat discharge after couple days?

I used monistat 1 couple days ago to cure a light yeast infection. The symptoms seem to be gone however I still have discharge from the actual treatment (ointment from oval). Is this normal? I'm concerned that tho product is still "in" me. Ha. I was told using a tampon would help... read more

Yeast infection help should I re do monistat 1?

I had a yeast infection 5 years ago and I got the same symptoms, my discharge was creme colored and not chunky so I did a monistat 1 day. The next day my discharge is still itchy my labia was swollen and my discharge is white and chunky. When I treated myself before I did not have these issues, it... read more

Sex on monistat?

I am taking Monistat for a yeast infection. It advises not to have sex. Is that because it can damage a condom or does it do more bad for my body to have sex while on Monistat? I just want to know if it advises against it because it will damage the condom or because it's bad for my body?

I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis after suffering 6 years with chronic "yeast infections?"?

A new OBGYN finally correctly diagnosed my recurring struggles as BV instead of a yeast infection, which explains why flucanazole and over-the-counter products like Monistat stopped working for me after a couple of years. This new doctor put me on metronidazole which FINALLY seemed to help but now,... read more

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