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Medication Questions (Page 36)

Displaying 1193 questions associated with Medication.

Topamax - How long does it last in your system?

Hi everyone I been having side effects and only been on topomax 25mg once a day for 3days now my Dr told me to stop taking the medication but I was wondering jow long is the life span of the medication in your system tell it go's away ,and I was taking this med for nerve pain.

Saxenda - When is the best time of day to take the injection?

Hi Im due to start this medication next week I was just wondering if people have found it more effective having the injections in the day or the evening ? are symptoms better controlled during the day if you take it in the morning or do you get less side effects taking at night etc? It seems like... read more

Enbrel - What if it stops working?

I have been on Embrel for over 3 years but I'm starting to go backwards. Does this medication stop from working.

I used Monistat 1 day and it said can be used day or night, so I used during the day... after?

A couple hours I notice a lot of thick white discharge... I'm not sure if that's the medication that came out or the discharge that pose to come out... The pain and itching stop... so how do I know if it I got rid of the infection or is it cause of the cream that it stop?? Also how long... read more

Better to cut my Depakote pills in half if I don't have enough? Or go a couple days without them?

I take 2 - 250mg pills of Depakote twice each morning and night (for Borderline Personality Disorder), and was horrified when I realized I somehow did not pack enough medication for my trip. I am literally in the middle of nowhere- over 3 hours to the closest pharmacy- and I still have 4 days left... read more

How long for 15mg dose of mirtazapine to work?

I am currently taking 15mg dose and have been for four weeks. I am not noticing any improvements yet in the depression. I have taken this medication before and it did help me to get back to my normal self but I can't remember how long it took to work? Have others found that it has taken 4 or... read more

Took Lexapro for 2 days HELP?

I have had mild anxiety for about 10 years that I was able to handle without medication. about five years ago it got worse so I went to a doctor and was put on Prozac 10 mg. I took that for a few months and didn’t notice much results so stopped taking it. Recently my anxiety has increased a... read more

Mavyret - Does anyone take marijuana with their medication?

I'm 62 years old and stage two with Hepatitis C. I will be starting the treatment in a few days .

Adderall 6 to 8 months causing skin to secrete blackheads non-stop. Nothing works. Please help?

Been taking Adderall 6 to 8 months now. On one hand it's been extremely positive for me I was able to stop taking 4 medications lithium and prozac I had been on many years for debilitating depression and they really never worked. Latuda was the last prescription for bipolar disorder and then I... read more

How can I convince my dr to up my dosage of Lexapro 20mg, or change from Lexapro to soemthing else?

I've been on these medications for about 8 weeks, I'm finding that the 20mg isn't helping with my anxiety or depression and have asked numerous times for an increase by my dr dismisses my claims and says 20mg is enough and that psycho therapy will be more beneficial for me then... read more

Why does my Vyvanse make me so tired?

I am on 50 mg of Vyvanse at the moment and I work a busy schedule. I am a 37 year old who is new to these types of medications. I started on Strattera and switched to Vyvanse. I take the medication very early in the morning because I work from 6-3. I usually take the meds about 5:30 am and it takes... read more

Omeprazole vs famotidine for irritable bowl syndrome?

I was prescribed omeprazole not too long ago from my primary doctor. I have ibs. Just last night I went to the er for diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and other issues not related. One medication I was prescribed is famotidine. Which medication would work better for my irritable bowl syndrome. After... read more

Does Focalin make you tired?

I have depression and ADHD and have been trying to find a good combination of medications to treat the two. Most recently I have been taking Wellbutrin XL and Focalin XR I just added the Focalin about two months ago. While I am already tired to begin with because of the depression, I have felt more... read more

Clonazepam by Teva vs. Accord?

I have generalized dystonia, there is no cure for this disease, only medications that may make it more tolerable. Clonazepam, which I used to get ,made by Teva. Accord has acquired this company , their drugs are made in China. About 2 months ago I noticed it was no longer working,I looked at the... read more

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