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Hospital Questions

Displaying 65 questions associated with Hospital.

Gurgling/vibrations in or around my lungs after laying on back and taking deep breath?

It only happens when laying on my back and taking a deep breath... But it's driving me crazy! IM a 32 yrold female 5'6 140 lbs. No other symptoms. No medical problems. I was in the hospital over a year ago . I was very sick with fever and horrible back pain turns out I had fluid around my... read more

Starting Actemra for PMR, RA and GCA looking for others currently using Actemra?

Hello! I am starting Actemra next week. I was Dx with PMR in 2004 and in January of this year and landed in the hospital with GCA and the worst headache of my life. I also have RA. I switched rheumatologists and my new one recommended I research and consider starting Actemra. I would like to know... read more

If you take a perscribed anti depressants & you take an antibiotic what are the major side effects?

I had a friend who went into hospital last week because she took an antibiotic and it clashed with her anti depressants, so i would like to know what the major effects that could happened to her in this situation? can it be dangerous? If so how dangerous?

Do blood vessels (veins, capillaries, arteries) heal on their own after a cut?

Hello. I recently accidentally cut my right hand below my index with a knife. The wound was deep (1 cm). When I went to the hospital the doctor asked me to move my finger and so I did.Then the wound was stitched. My question is can the blood vessels that were cut beneath the skin heal themselves? ... read more

Panic Disorder - I'm curious. Has anyone experienced temporary blindness during a panic attack?

I went to the doctor because in the past few months I keep going temporarily blind after the onset of a panic attack. After going through several scans at the hospital and several doctor visits, I was confirmed that it was just my panic attacks and that this was completely normal. That really... read more

Peptic Ulcer - Stomach Ulcer questions?

I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer following an endoscopy in hospital last Friday. I'm still in a lot of pain and have not received the results of the biopsy yet, to see whether it was caused by H. pylori. However I have a couple of questions regarding it! (I'm 19, and male and until... read more

Is there an alternative to Metoprolol?

8 months ago, PVCs got my attention. Hospital put me on a Holter monitor. They saw PVCs and short runs of tachacardia. Put me on 25mg of Metoprolol. I stupidly began to miss taking my daily dosage because I didn't think it was doing me any good. Found myself in the emergency room with V- tach.... read more

Propranolol with amlodipine?

Hello. Recently after being admitted to hospital it was discovered that I had an abnormally high BP. I'm 27 years old, and the nurses, doctor and consultant alike uniformally said that they didn't want to prescribe an anti-hypertensive as in most cases the patient is obliged to take the... read more

How long will I have to take Keppra after craniotomy for benign meningioma ?

I had a seizure and collapsed. They found a brain tumour in the hospital. I had surgery to remove a benign meningioma from the frontal lobe. The operation was ten weeks ago. I am taking 500mg Keppra twice daily. How long will I have to continue taking this for ? I do not have epilepsy.

Is liver cirrhosis a death sentence?

I'm 36 years of age and I was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis in October 2013 after being rushed to hospital with bleeding varicies which had to be banded. Since then apart from a slip up in February 2014 I've not touched alcohol and I've been living a healthy life with plenty of... read more

Is there a medication other than Lyrica and gabapentin for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy?

I wore my back out working in nursing homes and hospitals in several departments. Mainly as a nurse attendant therefore lifting and positioning patients as well as equipment. You get the picture I assume! After back surgery, etc., etc. I was finally forced to retire and have disability... read more

If the pulse rate goes below 60, do you not take a digoxin pill?

In the hospital, the nurse would take his heart rate and if the rate was below 60, they wouldn't give him a digoxin pill in the late afternoon.

Is it safe to take tramadol hcl 50mg with promethazine 25mg??

I passed a kidney stone in the hospital gave me both medication I took them both and a very hard time waking up the next day very hard.

Is there any difference between generalac, lactulose? and miralax?

Sometimes when stools are hard I get very bad stomach aches - - motility problem which Dr said is due to scar tissue. I had been in hospital with viral bronchitis - hope life gets a little easier now.

Had both upper and lower teeth pulled lots of stitches,dentures put in immediately by the time I?

Got home I was in pain,my husband went to get my meds what I've been through I cannot tell you,the meds barely took the edge off.I wish I could have gone to the has been a terrible 3 weeks,between the pain the swelling and the stitches what misery.after the stitches were out it was... read more

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