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Hand Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 60 questions associated with Hand.

Anti-fungal Creams: OTC vs prescription?

I had a fungal infection (ringworm) on the back of my hands and began using OTC 1% clotrimazole for 1 month. That didn't work and my doctor prescribed me 2% ketoconazole. Within 1 week, the infection subsided dramatically. Why is ketoconazole prescribed? Is it a stronger anti-fungal cream?... read more

Has anyone ever experienced really cold hands and feet on buspirone/Buspar?

It seems that I am experiencing a sort of cold intolerance. I feel abnormally cold even when it is 72 degrees in my house. There is nothing i can do to get my hands and feet warm. I usually have to lay on a hearing pad for a good while under the blankets before they'll warm up. My nose will... read more

What is causing pain in my arm with Nexplanon?

I am having random, sharp pains in my arm where my Nexplanon implant is. The pain shoots all the way down into my hand and up into my shoulder. I typically gently rub the implant and the pain slowly subsides. I am also having head aches and lower abdominal and back pain. What could be causing this?... read more

Need to use alcohol based hand sanitizer. Is this possible while taking Antabuse?

Can other nurses/CNA's/docs or anyone else with experience on this tell me whether this is possible while taking Antabuse? I am looking especially for your personal experiences using hand sanitizers while taking a daily dose of disulfiram/Antabuse because I already know that the general... read more

Metformin - Tingling/burning/pins and needles type feeling in hands, legs and feet?

I have just started taking metformin at 500mg. For the past 3 days I have been experiencing tingling/burning sensation in my feet, hands but mostly my legs (one more so than the other). Is this a side affect of metformin? Or starting a new medication in general? Has anyone experienced this? I dont... read more

How do I treat Hypothyroidism?

I have a rash on the back of my hand that won't go away?

It started off as a small red bump. It itched and burned and started growing. Then another appeared, same thing happened. Then they grew so much that they connected then kept growing and now it's covering my entire hand. It still itches a lot and burns and keeps spreading. It's now... read more

How do I use Drysol on my hands without plastic wrap?? Can I?

Hi there! I have been using Drysol for almost a year and it has been working so well for my armpits, however I also have really sweaty palms and feet. I've tried using it on my palms, but the directions say try not to sweat when using it, but when I followed the directions and put the Drysol... read more

Can 40 Mg of Atorvastatin daily cause tingling and numbness in fingers and hands?

My hands and fingers feel as if they are numb and the skin feels like it has been burned or has been rubbed raw.

Started 10 mg of citalopram, feeling very strange and not well at all any comments would help thanx?

Hi I just started citalopram 10mg last night for the first time,I woke at 2am and felt really weird,sweating hands,very shaky,sweating hands not a good feeling at all,I not sure what to do if I should go back to the dr. Or keep taking the medication any comments thank you

I have a question, I'm hoping someone can answer. I've been on the blood pressure medication HCTZ...

... for 9 months, a month ago I started getting tiny red spots on my hands, legs and feet. Then my skin started peeling. Then heart palps started, completely out of the blue. Could this be an allergic reaction after being on this med for all these months? I have an appointment with my doctor this... read more

Why are my hands red and burning?

I’m taking metformin 500 mg for two weeks now

How long does semen survive on human skin?

So I was in a car with my boyfriend and after I gave him oral, he came and he touched it. He wiped his hands on his pants and then took a 15 minute nap. Later he inserted his fingers into my vagina for a quick second because we realized what happened earlier.

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