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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 23)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Which anxiety Med has the least sexual side effects?

I've been on 40mgs of celexa, then the Dr gave me 75mgs of Wellbutrin to counter the decline in sexual desire. It didn't make too much of an impact as it still took a long time to become interested and I never climax anymore. I've since run out of medication and am going to a... read more

Increasing zoloft... increase anxiety?

I am currently on 100mg of zoloft for my depression and although i do see signs of improvement im not 100%, my dr suggested to increase my dose to 150 and if it didnt work she will refer me to a psychiatrist, im on my 6 weeks on zoloft. Im scared of the anxiety and side effects it causes... URGH

Hi I started Zoloft 25mg like 8 days ago. the first 2 days I took it at night & couldnt sleep so i?

... started taking it in the morning. I was fine for a few days but now 2 days ago I started having major anxiety & panic attacks. I had anxiety before i started taking the meds but not even close to what I'm experiencing now!! The side effects are horrible and I keep reading that I have... read more

How to get off Geodon without having a physcological break down?

I've been taking Geodon for about a year and a half. It has put me through hell. I have terrible anxiety. I can't smile. My passion of music and writing is gone. I feel nothing. Sometimes id rather die then to live this way. I'm on 80 mg. My doctor has tried to taper me off but I... read more

Sertraline - Hello, I am a 40 year male and I'm taking Zoloft for anxiety. I'm on week 3 and I've?

... gone through increased panic attacks, anxiety, and burning sensations. Right now I have increased tremors in my body and brain. Sometimes it wakes me up and prevents sleep. I have had essential tremor for years due to anxiety but not like this. Thoughts?

I've been on xanax goin on 7 yrs, 2mg 3 a day don't work anymore thinking of trying ativan?

I have conversion disorder going on 4 yrs among with bipolar, anxiety, panic attacks. I was on a hole lot of meds for those things but stop taking them since i was unable to have sex. So the only meds i take now are my xanax but those really don't work anymore since i have been on them so... read more

Is Propranolol affecting my Venlafaxine?

I have a question about depression medications. I have had major depression (and OCD) for over 15 years, and most Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors weren't helping me. Then my doctor prescribed me Venlafaxine, and it's been the most helpful drug I have ever taken. Venlafaxine is a Serotonin... read more

Does taking citalopram hurt your sex drive?

I am menopausal and trying to decide if this is lowering my sex drive or if it's caused by any meds I'm taking. When I try to think about sex, all I come up with is the mechanics of it. It's not sexy.

Hello, I just started Wellbutrin about 3 weeks ago while weening off of lexapro. The reason for the?

... change is undesireable side effects from the lexapro. Anyways, I've been on the Wellbutrin by itself for about 1 week now and boy do I feel out of it. Not only do I feel drugged but, My anxiety has been bad, I can't focus, feel like I'm in a fog, I'm shaky inside which is... read more

Does anyone know when Lyrica [pregabalin] will be available as a generic drug?

Iam asking about a lower cost at pharmacies. I am on a high dosage and cannot afford to get my whole RX so I ration it , save it for a day when I need to be active.

Cymbalta and smoking?

I just started on Cymalta last week and have noticed that when I smoke now I start sweating, feel flushed and dizzy. Is this something that will pass or do I have to choose between Cymbalta or Cigarettes? (I know I should quit but I'm just not ready to yet.)

Is there anything stronger than xanax 2mg for anxiety and severe panic attacks?

I take 2mg of xanax 3 times a day & it is not helping I take for sever anxiety & sever panic attacks

Is Viibryd effective on anxiety disorders?

Cymbalta tolerance?

I have been on cymbalta 60mgs for about 4 years. I tried to get off of it because of the weight gain but the withdrawls were horrible so i went back. For the past 6 months I have been getting those brain "zaps" a couple times a week and i feel like i haven't taken it even though i... read more

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