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Fibromyalgia Questions (Page 6)

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Displaying 319 questions associated with Fibromyalgia.

Does anyone take Valium (diazepam) for Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Myofascial pain?

I have been on Valium since 2004. initially for CMP and continued with it when FM was diagnosed. My Dr stopped it recently he could not justify why. Now the only muscle relaxant I am on is Amitriptyline 25mg at night and this does nothing to ease the muscles at all.I intend to see my specialist to... read more

I have had several abcess's underneath my breast. Have had several in the groin area that, luckily?

have drained and healed. !st problem is with the one currently draining from under right breast. No longer draining puss, but draining blood. From the feel of it, there is a lot more that needs to drain. With the slightest bit of pressure on side of abcess, blood comes out. Have been told in the... read more

I am so itchy!!! Which med is causing this? Feel like a chimpanzee...HELP?

Okay friends, you guys are so smart on here and I mean that sincerely!! My whole body has been itching like crazy lately and it is making me freak out. Now here is what I am on, starting from what I have been on the longest: Klonipin, 14 years, Ambien, 10+ years, Topamax, 1year, Effexor, a month,... read more

Sciatica pain - what else can I try other than gabapentin, ibuprofen, heat etc?

I went to the dr. almost 2 months ago and was prescribed gabapentin as I also have fibromyalgia. The side effects were too much, so I stopped it; it did nothing for my pain. My leg aches from my butt downward. Is there anything I can do for relief besides mass quantities of ibuprofen and the... read more

Fibromyalgia - Do you have type of seizure(jerking of your body) when going to sleep?

and eventually will you get lupus from fibro. I am on lyrica, requip,

Are Gabapentin and Lyrica the same base drug?

Someone mentioned that in a Gabapentin thread and its got me wondering now.

Does Gabapentin cause one to feel as though they're in a fog and really out of it?

I am prescribed Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia, and my GP felt it would also help with my severe anxiety disorder. I only take it as needed at 600mg every 8 hours. My anxiety has been completely out of control lately, and I took it earlier today to see if it would help. I noticed a marked improvement... read more

Lexapro added to Lamictal?

I've been taking Lamictal for about 18 months and now. Since my previous psychiatrist died, I obviously had to find a new doctor. The one I'm seeing now has decided to add Lexapro to the mix. My question: is anyone else on a Lexapro/Lamictal combo? I don't know how I'm going to... read more

Have there been any problems with the use of Lyrica for FM or PHN and dental problems?

It seems that since I've been taking Lyrica it seems that my teeth have been "demineralizing" of sorts. Starting with enamel chipping and flaking off in medium sizes, then larger pieces and the inside 'pulp' of my teeth has become spongy. I have had pain with this on top of... read more

Is it safe to take tramadol long term? I am told it is non-narcotic is that true?

It really helps with break-thru pain that I experience with fibromialgia cause no other pain medicines help. For 3 months now I take Savella for fibromialgia and it is helping my discomfort.

Prozac and Insomnia?

Hi, favour to ask: detailed answers requested! :-). Anyone whose had experience with Prozac and the side effect of insomnia? Would like to know: a/ Was insomnia an initial side effect that went away with time? b/ how long did it take for the insomnia to subside? c/ was the sleeplessness something... read more

What time at night should I take Lyrica?

My doctor wants me to try it again at the low 50mg at night,but not sure how fast it will work. I have sleep disorder an cant go to sleep on my own since auto accident,plus I have fibromyalgia,arthritis,CFS,nerve pain,severe back/neck pain,just to name a few. So I need help to sleep so body can get... read more

Is Tramadol HCL an opiate?

Recently prescribed Tramadol for Fibromyalgia pain. Also take Cymbalta. Reading up on Tramadol makes it sound like it is addictive and maybe should not be used with anti-depressants like Cymbalta. II don't really feel any immediate reaction to taking it, but I have noticed after taking it... read more

Fibromyalgia - struggling with muscle pain (twitching, spasms, mind & body weak from fighting)?

had... inj.'s, pain meds that worked only for short time? Well, I could write the book!I'm certain Dr.s thought I just wanted pain meds. I became pro-active, basically diagnosing myself. I took all the info to new Dr.I finally started on Lyrica,tai chi ex., better diet.Am on 75 mg 4 a... read more

Are people experience sever bloating and water weight on Cymbalta?

I was diagnosed with fibromyalsia in December of 2017. Was initially prescribed Nortriptyline which helped a little. Four weeks later adding Cymbalta and it felt like a miracle drug and I slowly got back to having a life again. But immediately started craving sugar and despite getting back to the... read more

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