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Eye Questions (Page 7)

Displaying 106 questions associated with Eye.

Dizzy,feel like passing out, stumbling drunk?

Has anyone had trulicity make you feel like your falling around stumbling drunk, can’t close your eyes because the room spins? you almost pass out & can’t gather yourself to walk like a bad drunk, but your not a drinker at all. Scary stuff today had my shot Sunday.

Can I take gabapentin and Lyrica together?

Can I take gabapentin and Lyrica together for neuropathic eye pain

Tooth infection turned abscess?

I go to urgent care for a toothache which turned to an abscess which I'm thinking only because the left side of my face started swelling most of my upper below my left eye on the left side of my nose and the upper teeth which is where the infection is they prescribe me penicillin VK 500 mg one... read more

Prednisone 50mg tablets - quantity 20?

At the end of last year my brother and father got Covid. My father passed away and my brother had residual side effects double vision in one eye that waivers from up and down to side to side and triple vision in the other eye that all of a sudden has went blurry and he can only see shapes in that... read more

Does sertraline/Zoloft make anyone else look like they have 'crazy eyes'?

My husband looks at me some mornings an hour or 2 after taking my meds and he says my eyes don't look like mine. They go quite glazed over and a bit trance like. I have upped to 100mg only 2 weeks ago so I'm just assuming it's my brain getting used to the doubling of the dosage? He... read more

Conjunctivitis in my cats eyes?

My12 year young Main Coon cat has conjunctivitis in both his eyes. Someone told me I should give him terramycin antibiotic ophthalmic ointment. Is this a cure for this condition or something he needs to be on for the rest of his life? Thank you.

Hello, I have been put on long term doxycycline 50 mg for dry eye/chronic blepharitis.

Will drinking alcohol be harmful on this low dose? Not daily of course, but maybe once or twice a week? Also, antibiotic resistance with this low of a dose would not be a concern, correct?

Vision problems with Lyrica?

Has anyone has issues with eye problems with Lyrica? I have optic nerve damage and my neurologist said it wouldn’t effect my vision. It does see to help with my neuropathy in my legs and feet but I am unsteady. Do the side effects go away?

Has anyone experienced eye pain using Zoloft 100 mg?

I noticed sharp stabbing eye pain in left eye about 3 months into Zoloft 100 mg useage for PTSD, Depression. These type of drugs are known to concentrate and work in the brain... near your eyes, and Patient Insert does state Near Angle Glaucoma, it happened to me. Has anyone else experienced eye... read more

Sharp eye pain caused by latanoprost?

I've been prescribed latanoprost (generic version as the pharmacy was out of stock on the more expensive brand) after having ICL surgery which caused my eye pressure to rise. After 1 week use I'm having sharp eye pain that doesn't go away. Has anyone else experienced this?

What side effects has Alphagan P caused with very mild asthma patients?

My understanding is that Alphagan P can create allergic reactions such as red eyes... And crusted eyes... How common is this and how severe? Any other side effects? I have only extremely mild asthma (never diagnosed until my age 76! Am now age 83. Never have had any sort of "asthma... read more

Does sertraline affect your eyes? Mine seem to be blurry for a few hours after taking my daily dose.

I am short sighted and wear glasses normally but it seems worse since being on the tablets.

Changing from 50mg sertraline to 40mg fluoxetine?

I've been on the sertraline 50mg for a month and it makes me sick. My eyes twitch on and off, I experience severe night sweats and my head feels as if I want to pass out. I was on fluoxetine 40mg for a while and had so side effects like on sertraline. How can I safely switch back to fluoxetine?

Fluorouracil application before bed?

I'm about to begin using fluorouracil 5% cream for a spot on my forearm. When I fall asleep and roll over, my face lays on the area. Should I worry about it getting in my eyes, nose, or mouth? Thank you

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