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Emergency Contraception Questions (Page 10)

Related terms: Postcoital Contraception, Morning After Pill, Emergency Birth Control, ECP, Emergency Contraceptives, ECPs, Emergency Contraceptive Pills, Pregnancy stop tablets

Displaying 276 questions associated with Emergency Contraception.

Light bleeding and cramping 7 days after taking Plan B. Is this normal?

I had sex using the withdrawal method on the 17th of October (which was 2 days after my periods got over), and had Plan B, 4 hours later. My cycle is pretty irregular. I take Omeprazole 20 mg since the last 2 months. 7 days after taking Plan B, I am experiencing moderate cramps, light bleeding, and... read more

Took Plan B one-step when the condom broke but no ejaculation occurred at any time. Will I be okay?

I usually have regular periods, I would get them every month. Although, I do notice that I would miss at least one or two months a year. Anyway, the last time I had my period was on September 26th which lasted for 6 days. After my period, I have had protected sex 2 times: October 4th and 8th.... read more

What does it mean if I have a white discharge after taking Plan B?

Me and my boyfriend had intercourse on my ovulation day and he came in me but I took a Plan B in less then 24 hours after that happened. What are the chances of the pill working?

Plan B side effects or implantation bleeding?!?

I took Plan B two hours after a condom broke during sex. It's been 5 days and I have a pink/orange discharge in my underwear, but when I wiped it was bright red blood (this just stared today). Should I be worried I'm pregnant or is it just the Plan B side effects?

Will cephalexin affect Plan B?

I had sex Sunday 9 pm Sunday night, and again on Monday around 8 pm. I took Plan B on Monday night after the sex. I took another Tuesday afternoon just to be safe because I also had sex Tuesday morning but he pulled out. I have a UTi and took a cephalexin today Wednesday morning. I’m just... read more

I took a Plan B pill but threw up less than 30 minutes later but I didnt see the pill?

I had sex the day before i took the Plan B pill but i threw up 30 minutes after taking the pill I didn't see the pill. Would I have to retake it or did my body absorb the hormones already?

Took morning-after pill and missed period for 43 days, normal ?

On April 15th I had sex with my GF and I used pull out method. On April 16th my GF took morning-after pill. (Her normal period was on 21th-23th)

After taking Plan B, are hot flashes normal?

Does the morning after pill work 2 days before ovulation?

On Jan-3-2020, 20-30 minutes after intercourse I bought my pill. I realized that I was in my fertile window. Two days later, Jan-5 I tested positive for ovulating and I don’t know if the pill failed. I am scared that I am pregnant and I am wondering if there are any answers out there.

Levonorgestrel - Plan B and late period?

I took Plan B a day or 2 before my ovulation day according to my app. He used the pull out so I decided to get Plan B just in case. 2 weeks later I had 2 days of light brown discharge then it stopped. I was due for my period 3 days ago now and haven't started. I have sore breasts and have made... read more

Is Plan B in Mexico sold over the counter?

I had sex and the condom broke. Do you need to see an actual doctor to get the plan B at a pharmacy? Or can you just walk in and get it over the counter?

Side effects of taking EllaOne?

I was on Cerazette and then ended up taking EllaOne on 8th September as I didn't realize I had run out if Cerazette. I didn't have any side effects until around a week later est 15th. They started with a lower stomach ache that felt a little like cramps - they weren't unbearable so I... read more

Levonorgestrel - What are the long term side effects of postinor 2?

2 months after taking the postinor 2 pill,does it cause side effects such as swollen belly,swollen,sore, enlarged breasts,nusuea,on and off acne coupled with on and off whitish spotting (blood mixed with white mucus-like substance)?

Does precum cause pregnancy with no penetration sex?

When I had romance with my boyfriend it was the day after my ovulation we never had sex but his dick rubbed my vagina but am paranoid and took plan B... Is there a chance that am pregnant?

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Contraception, Birth Control

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levonorgestrel, Aftera

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