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Doctor Questions (Page 63)

Displaying 1269 questions associated with Doctor.

Can I go swimming after 12 hours with using Monistat 1?

I was told by a doctor I had a yeast infection. She gave a 7 day course but I end up going to buy a 1 day treatment. I bought the Monistat 1 and took at 1 am today. Will I be okay to go swimming today at 1 pm?

LDN IR 50 mg naltrexone for weight loss?

My doctor prescribed 50 mg naltrexone for weight loss. I have read that LDN is usually prescribed for weight loss so now I'm afraid to take the 50 mg. I haven't taken any yet. Is 50 mg OK for weight loss? Should I ask doc for LDN instead?

Does taking acetazolamide cause an output of cloudy urine?

This is my first time taking this medication. My doctor has prescribed it for a period of two weeks to help bring down the pressure in my eyes, caused by using prednisone for Iritis. I took one 250mg tablet around 11am yesterday and woke this morning around 6am to cloudy urine. I have no other... read more

Does Wellbutrin make you gain weight?

I've been put on many different medications for anxiety and manic depression and most of them made me gain weight or make me feel even more depressed, my new doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin today so I'm taking 150mg xl for 7 days and then after that 300 mg every day. My question is, does... read more

Hives and prednisone, hydroxyzine, Pepcid. How much is too much and side effects?

My daughter has had hives for 6 days now. Taking prednisone and Benadryl. The hives got better then worse. The itching is unbearable. Called back the doctor and he increased prednisone to 10 days, tapering off the last few. Added hydroxyzine and Pepcid. She needs to go to work and college classes... read more

Tapering regimen - Tapering off metoprolol after 1 month of treatment and getting different...

... instructions from my doctors! I was on 25 mg for 10 days then to 50 mg. for 3 weeks. Bad reaction so told to do 25 mg for a week then stop. Anyone else suffer this and how were you tapered?

Sertraline - increasing dosage from 50 mg to 75 mg?

How long does it generally take to feel benefits from increase in dosage? I have been on 50 mg for 2 months and appeared to be experiencing a down swing of moods (not huge but enough for my doctor to increase the dose slightly)

How long until paliperidone leaves your system?

I am aware that it has a half life of 150 days. And 300 days of a full life. I’m still waiting to meet my doctor. I’ve just been on it for 2 days now of 2.5 and then 6 mg. It gives me crazy drug induced ocd and at this point it will be 2 days before I meet with him. I’m on a... read more

How does a doctor know when it is safe to get off Eliquis for dental work?

All I see is that is it is dangerous to get off and back on again?

What to expect when switching from Adderall IR to XR?

I was prescribed adderall IR 40mg for about 7 years. Recently I started to expirence a few negative side effects. Nothing major, more annoying than serious. I saw my doctor a few days ago and he switched me to 20mg XR twice daily. Today was my second day taking the new Med so I’m not sure if... read more

Monistat 7 - Is it safe to use this while on period?

Because I’ve been on my period and have a yeast infection or some other form or bacterial infection, I’ve already went to doctor so should know soon. But I bought monistat and is it safe to use while on period?

I was prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10 day's. Can I become pregnant?

My doctor prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10 days, due to the fact I haven't had regular cycles since ending Mirena IUD 8 months ago. I currently have two pills left to take. But my question is what are my chances of becoming pregnant with this medication, especially as this is my... read more

Is anyone else taking buspirone once a day?

I keep seeing everyone saying they take it 2 or 3 times a day to start. My doctor prescribed 10mg once a day. I'm confused.

I’m switching from Effexor XR to Zoloft. Any advice?

I have been on Effexor XR since August, so only 5 months, I’m currently at 112.5mg. My doctor wants me to drop down to 75mg starting today and start the Zoloft 50mg then in a week drop down to 37.5mg and then a week later stop the Effexor. From everything I’ve read this seems fast and... read more

Should I stop Zoloft of wait this misery out? I've been on it for a few weeks now.

Started on 50 mg and had minimal side effects. Slept good, some diarrhea for about two days and better mood after a week but still some anxiety and agoraphobia. My doctor raised the dosage to 100 mg and that's what it all started. Severe insomnia and frequent diarrhea at least 3 times or more... read more

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