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Doctor Questions (Page 56)

Displaying 1269 questions associated with Doctor.

How long does it take to have a period after implanon removal?

Doctor told me that i would start ovulating about 5-7 days afte i got it out. I am trying to get pregnant. What signs should i be looking for?

How long can I take dayquil for?

So I went to the doctor, and they said I have a virus. My throat has been super sore, and the only thing that has really helped it go away/let me sleep is dayquil/nyquil. I've been taking four doses a day like it says on the box. But it's been nearly a week at this point, and I'm... read more

Early Adderall refill request twice; pharmacist to make note/contact doctor?

So I've had ADHD since I was 7 just never took medication for it. But about a month ago I decided with starting a new job I should be on my best game so I went to a psychiatrist and we started testing out different doses. First we tried taking one 10mg two times a day (didn't help) went... read more

I take klonopin twice a day and my doc just prescribed me Busiprone?

Hi, I am a college student and am currently taking .5 mg of klonopin twice daily. I still struggle with anxiety so my doctor just prescribed me busiprone (10mg twice daily). Should I be taking these at the same time? Also, being a college student I tend to drink a lot on the weekends. I don't... read more

NuvaRing - Fell out during sex, put back right away?

I've been on the nuvaring for a week now. My doctor gave me the okay that it would be safe to have unprotected sex, it fell out but I put it back in right as it fell out, my boyfriend came in me after that. Was I still protected?

What are the effects/risks if using medroxyprogesterone and having unprotected sex?

I just started my Provera (medroxyprogesterone) and am supposed to take it for only 5 days in order to start my period (doctor said it will be a period, but not really... hard to explain. To kick start it, I guess).Then I had to begin my birth control pills the first Sunday after my period started.... read more

Switch from Adderall XR to Dexedrine (Dexedrine spansule)?

Hello, new to the form and was hoping to get a fast response. I am a college student who was diagnosed with ADHD last year. my doctor prescribed Concerta 36mg/day (XR ritilan) initially. I then switched to Adderall XR 20mg /day after 6 months because the Concerta was no longer working. Adderall... read more

I have an abcess on my gums from a bad tooth that needs to be pulled out. The doctor gave me?

... penicillin but that didn't work. Now I have levaquin and cefdinir. Both are for bacterial infections but which one is best to take for my problem???

Medroxyprogesterone for 5 days, when should my cycle start?

My doctor proscribed me medroxyprogestrone 10mg for five days, how long after you finish takin the pill are you supposed to start your cycle?

Myrbetriq - Time of day?

My doctor did not specify this for me. He gave me two weeks sample of the 50mg tablets. Is there a preferred time of day to take this tablet? I am taking it for an urge incontinence issue and an overactive bladder. I am 64 years old and a male.

Felt nauseous and sick a couple hours after eating pasta? Can someone please help?

Back in December I was sick on pickles (gross I know), and went to the E.R. on January 8th, and the doctor said I have gastritis. He put me on Protonix for 10 days and I felt pretty good. I had been able to eat pretty much everything normal (including pizza). I had pasta with sauce a few days later... read more

Cyproheptadine - prescribed or over-the-counter?

Is Periactin (cyproheptadine) an over-the-counter drug or does it have to be prescribed by your doctor?

Phentermine - I've been taking this for 3 Days and I have no appetiteis this normal?

I'm a mother of 2 and can't seem to shad this baby weight off working our diets nothing so this was something I looked up and ask my doctor about how do I know if it's working

Why am I not losing weight using phentermine?

It's day ten. I've been following a low carb diet, taking vitamins and working out for 45 minutes, every other day... Drink almost a gallon of water... Pretty much everything the doctor said to do... Everyone who uses phentermine seems to be losing awesome amounts of weight, and I have... read more

How soon can I have sex after mirena iud?

So doctor told me no sex within 2 days after geting mirena iud .i had unprotected sex the 3 rd day.myperiod was on the 5th n i got mirena implanted on the 18th .is there any chance i could of goten pregnat?im really worried because im bearly now researchin and everybody is talkin about. A week to a... read more

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