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Doctor Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 1268 questions associated with Doctor.

Love the Butrans pain patch. What causes the itching and blisters?

The doctor tells me I need to stop using patch because of the blisters, but it's the only thing that helps. Anyone know of a way to stop the blisters and itching to stop?

Depression; If you never leave the house, do you find it hard to wash your hair and shower often?

I've waited a month to get the nerve up to ask others this question; Something I'm ashamed of and maybe others are too. The only time I shower is if I have to go to the Doctor. Before I was put on these medications (they're listed on profile) I would take 2 showers a day! and wear... read more

Is it dangerous to drink alcohol if you take pregabalin?

I take pregabalin for anxiety disorder. My doctor told me it is ok to drink alcohol in moderation on pregabalin and just to miss my pregabalin dose the day I am going to drink alcohol. But I have had some nasty anxiety dizziness and shakiness the day after drinking since I've been on... read more

Soma - Why won't doctors prescribe it anymore?

I've had severe chronic pain for a very long time. Due to blood work and negative mri, I've been left with a very weak foundation of a fibromyalgia diagnosis. I've asked three doctors to prescribe me this drug, and yet they'd rather put me on OxyContin butrans or vicotin. They... read more

I am a woman and have been prescribed testosterone cream for low levels. do you recommend this?

I have a low testosterone level and have been prescribed a cream to use for it to be applied to my vagina area. Is this normal and do you recommend it? I kinda got a red flag when my doctor told me that a very few pharmacies in our area would have it. thanks

How long to feel the affects after starting Armour?

I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism, with a TSH of 8.6. My doctor started me on 30mg of Armour Thyroid, and asked that I come back in 6 weeks for another blood test to determine if I will need a different dose. Today is the 5th day I have taken it (in the am on an empty stomach, 3 hrs before... read more

Has anyone gained or lost weight on BUPROPION XL 300mg (generic for W0ELLBUTRIN) ?

I was on Citalopram 40mg for 2 years and gained a total of 40 lbs. My doctor switched me to wellbutrin xl 150 mg but I saw no difference in my weight so she just upped my dose to 300mg. It has worked wonders with my anxiety though, as did the citalopram, but the weight gain and uncontrolled hunger... read more

Is is better to take prozac at bedtime?

I have been prescribed prozac to take at bedtime but will this help me throughout the day. My doctor feels that I'm depressed but I feel that I just need something to calm my nerves and take the edge off.

3rd day I taking Prozac... Why am I feeling like this?

Yesterday was my 3rd day taking 20mg of Prozac prescribed by the doctor for depression and major anxiety and panic attacks. I am 19 years old. The first day was okay, couldn't sleep well but that's all. 2nd day was good but woke up feeling anxious. Went to the restroom and had a panic... read more

Why are most doctors anti diazepam ?

I have struggled for most of my life from early teens to now aged 55 female with severe anxiety. I had a severe breakdown 15 years ago and diazepam literally saved my life. Before being prescribed them I lost weight weighing 5 stone 10 pounds they were the crutch I needed to bring me back from hell... read more

Has anyone ever had lisinopril raise blood pressure instead of lower it?

Prior to starting, I normally had a BP of 126/78 with some variance when I took it at home. I get really anxious at the doctor though and my BP readings at the doctor tended to be 146/88. My doctor insisted I go on 5 mg of lisinopril. A week after starting Lisinopril, I checked my BP in the... read more

When a doctor says 4 times a day, how many hours apart are they?

I always thought you divide the day by those times and that would give you the amount of hours the medicine would stay on your system however my child just heard from her doctor "the 4 times a day" would be considered the awaking hours only??? So, if I am awake 16 hours that medicine... read more

My toes are clenched up and my doctor had never seen anything like it. Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone had this problem or have any ideas to treat it? My inner 3 toes are clenched up 24/7. It hurts so badly that it makes it hard to sleep. It makes it difficult to walk. Also the clenching is so bad that my big toe constantly overlaps on top of the toe next to it. My leg is starting to hurt... read more

Why have most doctors stopped prescribing carisoprodol for severe muscle spasms?

Why do they prefer Lyrica over soma for muscle spasms, and severe neurological painful conditions, because Lyrica has many terrible side effects according to my own experience between the two!

Does Xanax XR work better than Xanax IR?

I have been taking Xanax IR 1mg 4x daily for many years for my anxiety disorder,but i still have severe panic attacks at times.My doctor has just prescribed 2mg Xanax XR once a day,I,ve never taken Xanax XR before and wondering if it will work better,I have concerns about it any feedback would be... read more

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