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Doctor Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 1268 questions associated with Doctor.

Can any doctor prescribe Xyrem?

Who has taken Cymbalta, did it work for you?

My depression has returned after weening myself off of Celexa. I really just don't want to take antidepressants anymore but I can't keep feeling like I am feeling. My doctor wants me to try Cymbalta. He gave me some samples today but I'm afraid of the side effects. MedlinePlus has a... read more

"No Prescription" Online Pharmacies. Are they real?

I keep getting spam for no prescription online pharmacies. I don't have med. insurance and visiting the doctors costs too much $ to get a prescription. Should i trust some of those online pharmacies to get sleeping pills? Is it legal? I know nothing on this entire subject. Any info would be... read more

What is the best way to taper off Lexapro?

Please share some of your thoughts, The doctors seem to think tapering off by 5 I can off in two weeks after being on for a year. I do not see in any way how this is possible. The withdrawals i have are, headaches, extreme tiredness, dizzy spells, shocks, stomach cramps.. and that just the... read more

Those of you on gabapentin have you noticed tremors & tics in eyes, face or arms?

My doctor recently increased me from 1800mg to 2700mg due to my neuropathy getting worse from the fibromyalgia. Ive recently noticed some tremors and tics in my eyes, face and arms. I am not sure if this is from the fibro or the increase of the gabapentin. It might be that I am just having a fibro... read more

Pristiq - Has this caused weight gain or loss in you, and if so how much?

I have been taking Lexipro for a year now and although it has helped with my anxiety it has also caused me to gain 10 pounds. I’ve asked my doctor if there’s a medicine that doesn’t cause weight gain and she recommended Pristiq, and mentioned that it might cause weight loss. As a... read more

How long do Depo side effects last?

I've been to many doctors who find it hard to believe I am still suffering from extreme side effects from Depo Provera, the birth control injection. I got the shot mid December, and since then my life has been reduced to the confines of my own home. I used to exercise 6-7 days a week and lived... read more

Viibryd side effects?

I have been taking Viibryd for six month and I have experienced weight gaine despite Viibryd claims that it does not cause weight gain. I am currently being monitored monthly by my doctor. I go for monthly weight and blood pressure check ups. My doctor can verify that since starting Viibryd I have... read more

Pain in arm due to implanon?

I've had the birth control implanon in my arm for about 3-4 months and everything has been great except recently I've been getting pains. I went to my doctors and she reassured me it was okay because I wasn't swollen or red... but that seems strange to me, because the day after the... read more

Hypothyroidism - After Thyroid Removal - I am 28yrs old having my second "thyroid storm" due to?

... hyperthyroidism. An ultrasound revealed I have a fairly large goiter on my thyroid an my symptoms from the hyperthyroid are worsening so, doctor has decided its best just to remove my thyroid. I was wondering if there was anyone out there with something similar to my case. How did you feel once... read more

Apotex Corp Fentanyl Transdermal Patches?

I was told by my pain management doctor that after getting the Mallinckrodt brand Fentanyl patches for about 3 years that it's now discontinued. Does anybody know for sure whether or not Mallinckrodt Fentanyl Transdermal patches are discontinued? He now gave me this new brand of patches by... read more

Can a pharmacist ask for a diagnosis and refuse to fill prescription?

Can a pharmacist ask what your diagnosis is and say she won't fill script until doctor calls and tells her the diagnosis and why you take the medication. It was for 90 vicodin Es that aren't abused and only prescribed by one pain management doctor. Isn't there some privacy law and... read more

Viibryd - any advice from those who have tried it?

.I have just been prescribed Viibryd for anxiety. I have been on everything under the sun and my doctor is at the end of his rope with me. This is pretty much our last option. I would love some advice on this med as I am always Leary of side effects with new meds. Particularly weight gain, as I... read more

Is Paregoric still available for purchase? Where do you get it?

I'm a 66 year old male that has been suffering with diarrhea for 44 years now. All I ever hear from doctors is I have IBS. Every time I get a new doctor they always want to do the whole battery of GI test. I am so over these tests that I won't do another one. The only thing that has ever... read more

Finding a pain management doctor who isn't scared to write prescriptions?

I am in MI, and been treated for pain with narcotic's after running the entire gamit of procedures, bio-feedback, injections, accupuncture, PT, etc, etc. I was on an acceptable regimen, and was able to function. Last year my brother was diagnosed with Reticular Sarcoma, very aggresive. I had... read more

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