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Doctor Questions (Page 14)

Displaying 1268 questions associated with Doctor.

Progesterone - does generic teva come from natural sources?

My new doctor gave me generic teva instead of prometrium. I did well with prometrium and am now worried about the side effects of using something of potentially lesser quality. I've read that synthetic progesterone can have more side effects. can someone tell me more about teva?

Is Propranolol a substitute for nadolol?

My insurance company is raising the price nadolol 7 times what I have been spending for it and I amlooking for a substitute before contacting my Doctor.

Hi- I am type 2 diabetic, have been taking lantus solostar for over a year and it just isn't?

... working. My doctor has had me on 12 units a bedtime, along with oral meds daily. Glucose are up in the 400s, doctor is yelling at me to get them under control and I have been doing everything I can, even starving myself. I am sitting here in tears because she upped the lantus to 15 units twice... read more

Celexa - Is anyone taking Wellbutrin 300mg along with Citalopram 20mg?

I've been using Wellbutrin for 6+ months and my doctor prescribed the Citalopram yesterday. I'm afraid of gaining weight to the point if it causes weight gain I'm out!

I got prescribed Prednisone 50mg, side effects please?

I went to the hospital last night, and they prescribed me Prednisone 50mg. I have asthma, and anxiety. I was at the hospital in the first place because my primary care doctor sent me. My oxygen levels were dropping, and I have the flu. I was also wheezing bad even after she gave me two breathing... read more

What to do when your doctor is away?

My dad's pain management doctor is out of town at a conference. She doesn't know when she will return, said either Monday or Tuesday. He runs out of meds Saturday. She told him to make his meds last. We are really trying to figure out what he is suppose to do when there are no doctor on... read more

Does Trazodone work as well as Ambien for sleep?

Terrible pain in eye and behind eye, only on one side?

I have a terrible pain on my eye, it's so sore and I keep icing it and it hurts behind my eye too. My doctor gave me levofloxacin and I finished it but when I blow my nose it is clear so I don't think I have a sinus infection. Does anyone know what this could be? It really hurts alot. I... read more

What is the difference between hydroxyzine hcl and hydroxyzine pamoate?

I take hydroxyzine pamoate 25mg and now my doctor prescribed hydroxyzine hcl 50mg. What is the difference besides the mg?

COPD- Oxygen level was at 87, now 92?

I do not recall at what level of oxygen I should be at to see if I need to get back to the doctor today or if waiting until tomorrow would be alright? I am still having labored breathing. Any opinions?

Ive been taking zoloft for 1 month now and have lost 20 pounds. nothing has changed in my daily?

... routine, is this normal? should i be concerned. When i spoke to my doctor she didnt seem to be but everything ive read has said 1-2 pounds a week. i believe i lost 13 in 2 weeks

Zoloft - Can I split my 100 mg sertraline tablet?

My doctor up my dosage from 50mg to 100mg, I'm a little nervous on taken the whole 100 because of the side effects. Been on sertraline for 8 weeks-4 weeks 25 mg - 4 weeks 50mg and now starting 100 mg. first few days on25 I thought I was gonna lose it because of the added anxiety but the doc... read more

How long Does it take for Paxil to work?

I started Paxil 7 days ago and I am having sever anxiety where I cant even sleep. My doctor prescribe me 10mg of Paxil and so far has not kicked in much. All I do is think about if I am going crazy every second of the day. I have chest pains and tingling sensation in my body. Anyone know if the... read more

Buspirone - I am very sensitive to any drug...was prescribed buspar for anxiety...afraid to take it?

I am very sensitive to meds. I have anxiety and my doctor prescribed buspar claiming it has little side effects. I am nervous to talk it because I already feel bad from the anxiety and don't want to feel worse from the drug. Anyone else super sensitive and takes this med?

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