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Depo-Provera Questions (Page 8)

Related terms: Depo Injection, Depo, Depo Shot

Displaying 149 questions associated with Depo-Provera.

Bleeding on Depo shot what is normal and what isn't?

I started my first Depo shot about 7 weeks and 3-5 days ago, I am 19 and going on 20 here in 3 months. I started to have spotting a few days after my first shot which I was told was normal, then now I feel I am bleeding I think it's lightly or medium, but it's bright red, is it normal or... read more

Did you experience hair loss on depo provera shot and if so how long till it stop falling out?

My hair has been falling out and I want to know how long after you sotp the shot did your hair stop falling out? My hair never fell out this much before the depo provera shot.

On depo shot, losing weight like crazy but my appetite is huge!!?

I've been on the depo for 3 months now because of cyst I had on my ovaries. It helped sooooo much, all the pain went away, but I went from 145 to 127lbs I crave fat foods like Big Macs, Grilled chicken, and, spaghetti Os. I should be gaining weight like everyone else right? Is it going to make... read more

I forgot to shake my depo-provera shot. Should I contact my doctor? Will the shot still be effect?

I didn't shake th vial prior to administration

Depo withdrawal or pregnant?? Please help!?

I stopped having the depo about 8 weeks ago after being on it for 8 years, for the past 2-3 weeks I've had sore boobs, loss of appetite, back ache the first week and a half and twinges not very often in lower abdomen, not sleeping through the night, very achy legs like I used to get when Af... read more

Depo-Provera - Anybody else bleeding after sex & randomly ?

I Been On Depo For A Minute Now , After Sex I Bleed But Not A lot Sometimes I Spot Out Of Nowhere , I'm Scared This Never Happenen To Me

Depo-Provera - Anyone else start lactating after a depo shot?

I had normal period before i had the shot, then it caused me to have abnormal periods til this day, 6 years later. Lately ive had regular normal periods but for 4-5 years it was bad on and off. Also, it caused me to lactate. I only had 1 shot. And never did it again cause i bled for 3 months... read more

How can I stop the bleeding and fishy odor? I'm on the depo shot?

Its my first time on next visit is in two weeks .the only problem I have is the spotting and a smelly fish there anything I can do to stop it without coming off the shots?or why is the spotting carrying on for so long?

Can the depo cause constipation?

I usually go to the bathroom every day or every other day. But here the past couple days I've noticed I haven't been going as much. Could this be part of the depo? Please help.

Light cramps with brown discharge?

On August 24th I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend he didn't finish inside me. I've been on the depo shot for a month already my periods have always been super irregular sometimes i don't get them for a month, but two days ago I started getting light cramps with brown discharge... read more

Depo-Provera - Prolonged pain in injection site?

I've taken depo before. This new version of depo with the shorter needle. First one left an indention. They blew it off. The second one also left a permanent indention but also has prolonged pain that comes and goes. Any idea as to what could be the reason and should I be concerned?

Depo provera withdrawal?? Breast/Nipple tenderness, lower abdominal pain?

Ive been off depo for nearly 3 months now I was on it for over a year, recently in the last few weeks I've been getting bad breast and nipple soreness and tenderness which is very uncomfortable. Also in the last few days I've had a constant lower abdominal cramps which are even more... read more

Nexplanon - Anyone had odor or yeast infections?

Ive had implanon and it was amazing , after it expired I was in depo for a year and no nexplanon. It was inserted in March 2014 so I'm nearing the end of it and I seem to have a foul odor all the time ! I've completely changed my life around this , not wearing tight clothing or underwear... read more

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