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Birth Control Questions (Page 6)

Related terms: Fertility Control, Anticonception

Displaying 465 questions associated with Birth Control.

Is it normal to have pain during sex while on mirena?

I have had the mirena IUD for about 10 months now. And it has given me a lot of problems. I had it put in I think 6 weeks after I had my son. They told me that for the first half hour to an hour after having itin that I may have some spotting and cramps. I didn't the cramps were too bad, but I... read more

Has anyone experienced ibs symptoms after starting depo provera shot?

I sarted depo shot in august 2012 since starting I experienced ibs symptoms such as fullness bloating nausea consripation and diarrhea alternating more so diarrhea though and itd leave me feeling ill for a couple days after a flare up and not be able to eat properly as some foods triggered it to... read more

Can Birth Control & Plan B delay your period??

So I'm on the pill version of birth control and I was 3 days away from having my period (according to the pills) and me and a guy had unprotected sex (I know shame on me, please don't judge I feel bad enough) and he thinks he might of got a little inside so I freaked out and got plan B... read more

Can I get pregnant in my 7 day break from the Birth Control Pill?

I am on the 21 day birth control pack of Microgestin 1.5/30, I am a Sunday starter. This is my first month on the pill, I followed the Pamphlets instructions and did not have unprotected sex for the first 7 days on the pill. I had unprotected sex on the last 3 days of my active pill pack and the... read more

Skyla - Did you experience weight gain or weight loss?

Every from of hormonal birth control causes me to gain weight so I am terrified of weight gain on Skyla (professional dancer - so even a 5lbs gain can cause the director to call me in). But I've heard of circumstances where people actually experienced weight loss with it or decrease in... read more

I've missed 2 birth control pills and I'm lightly spotting. Am I pregnant?

I've been on the pill for six months so I'm used to it I have sugar pills and I haven't gotten to them yet. Now I'm lightly spotting it did it yesterday during the day and stopped then came back this morning. Me and my boyfriend had sex last Friday and Saturday and Sunday and he... read more

Fourth day into placebo pills and no period?

I've been on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for about three years and haven't really had any issues with it although I am concerned now. I'm in my fourth day of the placebo pills and I still haven't gotten my period. My breasts are tender, but I have no cramping or anything. I'm... read more

Period - Removal of Nexplanon causing constant bleeding?

... weeks later I started bleeding which was earlier than what the doctor told me to expect it. After I started spotting, it turnes to normal bleeding but not enough that I needed a tampon or anything. It has never stopped yet, Ive been bleeding since about July 9th or so. I visited my husband... read more

When should I get my period when taking the sugar pills?

this is my first time taking birth control pills. I been taking it everyday on time like I'm supposed to I haven't missed one. I'm four days into the sugar the pills and I have yet to get my period, should I just wait until I'm done all of the sugar pills? or go see my doctor?

Why am I getting brown discharge if I'm on Depo Provera shot?

I've been on the depo shot for like nine months and am now getting brown discharge. I haven't gotten my period for six months so it can't be old blood. I am sexually active but I'm not pregnant and er are always safe. I've tried douching (cleaning the inside of my vagina)... read more

When does the pain from the Mirena become serious?

I have had the Mirena now for almost three months and the last three weeks I have had daily pain and cramping. I did have a little that lasted a few days after I had it put in but it went away and is now back. It is worse when I am active and after I have sex (and not rough). I also tend to bleed... read more

How long does it take for depo to start working?

I got my first depo shot the 8th of this month 3 days later i had unprotected sex .. And now i'm having side and lower abdominal pains something like what u get when u are pregnant .. So if there a chance i may be pregnant?

Is it possible to get pregnant the last months of implanon?

I'm 21 I've had implanon for almost 3 years. It's due out in September 2013 it's may 2013. I've never experienced Anything like this with implanon before. My breasts are super tender, feel like I'm gunna throw up at random times of the day mostly after I eat I get a... read more

I'm on birth control but I had unprotected sex, took plan b but still no period, am I pregnant???

The timing with my birth control pill had been off and it happened around the time I am usually ovulating. I also know that he finished inside me. I was freaking out and ended up taking plan b that Sunday morning. I'm on my innactive pills now in my birth control pack and should have my period... read more

I got my period while still taking my active pills,do I still take the placebos when It comes time?

I've been on Ortho tri cyclen lo for almost 2 months, and it is my first birth control. I got my period today while I still have 2 active pills left in my pack. On my period tracker app it says I'm supposed to get it in 4 days. I don't think it's spotting, I have cramps and... read more

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Related condition support groups

Emergency Contraception, Postcoital Contraception

Related drug support groups

Depo-Provera, Nexplanon, Provera, NuvaRing, Mirena, Implanon, levonorgestrel, Sprintec, Loestrin 24 Fe, Yasmin, Lo Loestrin Fe, medroxyprogesterone, Kyleena

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