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Benzodiazepine Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: Benzo

Displaying 72 questions associated with Benzodiazepine.

How can you tell if your Klonopin is real or fake?

I have been taking benzos for years for PTSD and severe anxiety disorder. My doctor prescribed me 2mg Klonopin manufactured by Accord Pharmaceuticals, but it seems almost fake? I feel like I have to take more than one, when one would last me a whole day. How can I tell if it’s fake or not?... read more

How long should I wait to take Norco after taking Xanax?

I took 1mg of Xanax around 12 hours ago. I want to take a Norco 7.5/325 for some pain but I know the two can have serious interactions. Would it be OK to take Norco now and if not, how long should I wait?

Alprazolam - Does Xanax help with anxious thoughts and focus?

Ive been going through excessive anxiety for over twenty years. I've tried most medications including benzos (valium,ativan), ssris, snris, trycyclics, maois, and aps. Ive asked to try Xanax but my doctor refuses to let me try it. Does Xanax help with anxious thoughts, rumination, focus?

Does Mavyret cause depression? Feedback please.

I am supposed to start Mavyret to treat my Hep C in a few weeks but am extremely scared that it will unmask my depression! I recently stopped taking my anxiety medicines (benzos) because they started to make me feel extremely depressed and hopeless. I am feeling much better now and do not want to... read more

Whats better for sleep, Valium or Xanax?

what would keep me from waking up during the night is my main question. Been taking benzos for sleep for over 10 years, mainly Xanax, but i tried Valium thru my doctors permission and found out i feel more groggy in the morning after taking 2 10mgs of Valium.

Does lithium help with unipolar depression -- anybody?

I'm about to start this to augment my other meds (lexapro, remeron, benzo). I just hope that it helps with depression, not just stopping manic episodes (because I don't have them). I do sort of "cycle" - I have a good day, a bad day, a good day, a bad day. Mind you the... read more

Does naloxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) block the effects of benzodiazepines?

I’m currently taking buprenorphine/naloxone 8mg/2mg for chronic back pain prescribed by my pain management doctor. I am also taking Zoloft 50mg for anxiety and clonazepam for panic attacks also prescribed by pain management doctor. My new doctor told me that the naloxone will block any... read more

Switching to a new benzodiazepine?

I’ve been around the block once or twice although I’m only 24 I’ve been on klonopin for years. I would like to know what my best option would be other than the main 4 benzos.

Can lorazepam cause dementia?

I've been on lorazepam for about 15 years. I take .5mg every night for sleep and anxiety. Recently a friend of mine said that she read that benzo's can cause dementia in older people. I am 65. I've been slowly trying to get off of it, but I miss my good night sleep! Has anyone else... read more

Does anyone know of the new benzo, cloxazolam?

I was prescribed with it by my new psychiatrist for my anxiety and depression, together with the strongest SSRI Paroxetine. But my neurologist prescribed me Valporate Sodium for my nocturnal seizures that were being controlled with Clobazam that is sold out on a national level here in Portugal !... read more

Is there any benzo stronger than diazepam?

I take 40mg. a day in divided doses but need stronger pill.

Switching Benzo's?

I was wondering of anyone has had a bad experience switching drugs? I was taking .5 mg's of ativan 4 times a day but I was having break through anxiety during the night. My doctor has switched me to taking .5 mg's of clonazepam 3 times a day and I am feeling strange and exhausted. I think... read more

Does insomnia and constipation side effect pass on duloxetine?

I just started 30mg duloxetine generic brand for major depression and anxiety. I feel this drug helps however I get servere insomnia to the point I get no sleep at all, even with a benzodiazepine. Also it seems to really block up my bowels with constipation and even senna tablets or laxatives... read more

Hydroxyzine - Is this a narcotic or benzo?

I recently had a false positive UA for benzos. I dont take benzos so I dont know what caused this?

I had been on a flight the day prior to the UA and I had taken meclizine and Benadryl. My daily regular meds are: tramadol, gabapentin, trazodone. The gabapentin is fairly new for me too so I am not sure which drug caused this. Does anyone know? This could actually really effect something going in... read more

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