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Antibiotics Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 266 questions associated with Antibiotics.

Does epididymitis ever go away?

I'm going on 5 months of having epipdidymitis... already been to a urologist, I've had the ultrasound and been on antibiotics 3x's. I'm confused and feel like I'm being defeated. Plz Help I do not have any STD'S... pain does decrease when I lay down. Urologist keep... read more

Blisters on the bottom of my foot that itch, hurt and ooze clear liquid. Whats happening?

I apply antifungal cream and powder daily also triple antibiotic when the blisters pop but nothing seems to give. When they pop the blisters fill up with more fluid and then more blisters appear. One blister popped and as I lifted up the skin to see inside it was like a deep cutt. I cant afford to... read more

Which antibiotics are best for tooth infection cephalexin or clindamycin?

I have bad teeth and no matter if I brush/floss regularly & don't eat sweets & quit drinking pop I am still getting pain that is usually associated with infection. I can't remember what antibiotics I was given for my teeth I have clindamycin and cephalexin. All I remember is the... read more

Bacterial Vaginitis - Help. I'm suffering from chronic bv for almost a year?

... Has anyone beat this? I just finished my fourth round of antibiotics for 2013. I've tried everything. I've just about fallen into a deep depression. I've tried every at home remedy, am loaded on probiotics, can't dress in cute clothes, stopped having sex, don't wear... read more

Urinary Tract Infection - I have an antibiotic resistant UTI, anyone tried anything thats worked?

Other than antibiotics. I'm desperate. I have been on and off antibiotics since last November, and as soon as I stop taking them the infection comes back. I have taken every antibiotic imaginable, been tested for every STD imaginable, and I am not having sex... I am desperate for some relief,... read more

Can I take ciprofloxacin for a infected tooth?it is 500mg?

i have a bad tooth and think it is is causing pain and discomfort..should i use this antibotic?

Cipro ruined my life.. I need help?

... issue. In August of 2004 my urologist diagnosed me with Prostatitis and I was placed on the Bayer medical product, Ciprofloxin, 500mg 2 times a day for 60 days. Before taking this medication I was a very healthy and active 25-year-old male, just graduated from college. I began my regiment of... read more

I took antibiotics (metronidazole) for Bacterial vaginosis... now suffering from Yeast Infection?

Wonder if I can get any Medicine to cure this without having prescription? And Will I Go Through Any Other infection After Curing the yeast ... just like what i experienced after curing BV?

What antibiotic is good for tooth infection?

I have a broken tooth thats all the wway to the gums. Its swallen all around it. What antibiotic is goo d for the infection I think is there?

Urinary Tract Infection - I suffered from uti's for many years and tried everything out there, am?

... resistant to most antibiotics now and then I discovered that taking 6000 - 8000 mg if vitamin C with rosehips daily has cleaned out my urinary tract within a few days to the point of having had a white discharge that is now gone and everything feels healthy again the way it use to before I kept... read more

Does anyone know anything about an antibiotic called Nitrofurantoin?

After being prescribed Cipro and Toviaz for a Urinary Tract Infection that spread to the bladder and ended up as a kidney infection its now been almost two weeks and I have had NO RELIEF. Went to ER they said continue with the Cipro, however since I am still not feeling any better my doctor called... read more

Which antibiotic is better for tooth pain/infection, Cipro or Amoxicillin?

Tooth pain gets worse when I eat or drink something cold. Also, there is a partial crack in the tooth. I would also prefer an answer, if possible, from a dentist, or someone in the field... I am, however open to all answers though.

Do I need to take Prednisone for my allergic reaction to go away, or will it do that on its own?

I have recently discovered I'm allergic to an antibiotic that was prescribed to me. The doctor then prescribed 40mg of Prednisone for one week, and 20mg the following week, along with Benadryl and Pepcid. I have been taking all this medication for three days now and barely see any improvement... read more

Can clindamycin elavate your bloodpressure? Pls help?

I would like to know if taking the antibiotic clindamycin can this raise your blood pressure.

What is the Shelf Life for Cephalexin 500mg? The Prescription was Filled 10/25/05.

What is the shelf life for Cephalexin 500mg? RX was filled 10/25/05. Can I take it & be effective? I just got laid off from my job, and cannot afford to go to the doctor plus get a prescription for my upper respiratory infection. (No insurance either). Could I take these out of date antibiotics... read more

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