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What are the sign and symptoms to having an allergic reaction to disolvable stitches?


DzooBaby 30 April 2014

I have problems with dissolvable stitches. I get redness and the area will NOT heal and will drain yellowish looking drainage (but it is not pus-there is no infection) until those stitches are removed! Luckily I have only had to have them twice but both times it was the same.

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LARobb 18 April 2017

I know it's been a couple of years so I'm hoping you will see this. I too am allergic to dissolvable stitches, specifically vicryl stitches. I just wanted to make you aware that if you ever have to have internal surgery done, make sure you tell your doctor to use something else. I almost died because my body rejected these stitches and began to bleed internally. I had to have half my blood replaced via transfusion and had to go through a second surgery where they used a different kind of stitch. I knew I was allergic to dissolving stitches prior to this as I had surgery on my feet but that was not life threatening. This time it was. Just please be aware.

Renyryderr 9 Sep 2017

Im so very sorry to hear about your story as I'm going through something similar. Which sutures did they use on your last surgery? I'm skeptical about the sutures they're trying to use in my upcoming surgery as I was previously allergic to vicryl in another surgery! Please help !

kaismama 29 April 2014

Itching and redness around the stitches.

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allergic reactions, symptom

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