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How serious is the risk taking aspirin while taking prednisone?

4 Answers

Calitri 30 June 2021

I take 81 mg of low-dose aspirin daily for coronary artery disease. My doctor approved 20 mg of prednisone twice a day for five days for a severe bout of poison ivy. When you have a serious condition, it is always best to check with your doctor before adding prednisone (corticosteroid).

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endlessPred 6 Jan 2013

Do not take aspirin or any NSAID when on prednisone. It does cause gastro intestinal problems, increased bruising (prednisone causes bruising on its own) and various side effects. Some very serious.

As always, tell your prescribing physician all medications and over the counter supplements, pain pills and the like. It is not safe and could complicate your condition. Please call the doctor and you will be guided for your condition and needs.

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Delila 6 Jan 2013

Hi, i agree with kaismama. I thought you might find it interesting to read all of the information yourself so have provided a link below;,1936-0

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kaismama 5 Jan 2013

The amount of aspirin in your system is decreased by prednisone. I worry more about the irritation of both in the stomach. Both are very hard on the stomach lining.

Votes: +1
endlessPred 6 Jan 2013

Not the reason. Just one of the symptoms. free discount card

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aspirin, prednisone

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