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Results for 'MS Contin Norco Multiple Sclerosis Pain Back Pain'

Plan B-lower left sharp pain abdominal pain 6 hours after taking it?

How concerned should I be? My husband and I had a mishap with a condom last night and I took a plan b about 12 hours later. I have felt fine all day... read more

Chronic Back Pain - An old vertebra fracture of the mid-back (T-8) is now naturally fusing with with

... the vertebra above and below giving me excruciating pain. Would an operation help?

How long does MS Contin take to work?

I have diarrhea and am worried about it not working.

Does Keppra leave a bad taste in the mouth?

In the top of my mouth I have an usual bad taste all the time. Didnt start until I started taking MS Contin and Keppra

If I take one norco 10/325mg, and have to take a drug test in 2 days, will that show up?

I have one pill left and trying to decide when its the best time to take it before my Pain dr appt which is on Wednesday the 26th. I... read more

Will taking only one Norco a day lead to dependence and withdrawal?

I take only one at night to stop the pain at night. I do not take it during the day.

Can I take Norco and gabapentin together safely?

What is the difference in hydrocodon and norco?

After reading... there doesn't seem to be much difference in the norco drug and hydrocodon. There is still acetomedophin in it, which... read more

Combining norco and xanax?

2 HOURS AGO I took 2 10.5 mg norco and 4 mg of xanax to be able to wind down and go to sleep. I have felt no change and am still wide awake. I... read more

Is Oxycodone 10 mg hci comparable to Norco 10/3.25 mg?

I was given Oxycodone 10 mg hci for foot surgery because my Norco 10/3.25 did not kill the pain! Would Oxy 10's be good... read more

My norco isnt working anymore?

Im 51 yars old and back in 2008 I had a multi disc fusion. Im now going to pain management, ive been going to this doctor for 1... read more

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