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Can I take Norco and gabapentin together safely?


Ros 2 10 Nov 2018

Hi M-Dennis, If you prescribing Doctor recommended this drug (Gabapentin) I would assume that it is safe to combine the two. Contact your doctor or pharmacist for further questions.

Take care & stay well!

Votes: +0
marzboy777 9 Nov 2018

Hi M-Dennis!
That's really something you need to discuss with your primary care doctor. Even if someone else takes those 2 meds successfully, that doesn't mean it'd be a wise choice for you. One person's success might prove to be another person's disaster.

Votes: +1
M-Dennis 9 Nov 2018

Thanks for the imput marzboy777 I
agree with your reply! I'm new at sites like this. I should have given more information when asking my question. I have been taking the Gabapentin and naproxen for about a year now, with some relief, but the pain is debilitating and so my Primary Care Dr. Recently prescribed the Norco 5-325. My question really should have been has anyone here had this combination of drugs before, has it helped? Again thanks for your response.

Stephen Treloar 10 Nov 2018

What the first poster said but in light of your follow up comment, if your doctor prescribed it I feel you should be reasonably confident that they have determined that it is safe for you.

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