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Results for 'Esophageal Disease Stomach Ulcer Sucralfate GERD'

Healing a stomach ulcer using over the counter medications?

Will taking Pepcid and/or omeprazole twice a day heal a stomach ulcer without further medical intervention? I have had a duodenal... read more

What to eat when you have a peptic ulcer?

I have a peptic ulcer and even though I'm on carafate and omeprazole I still have pain almost every day. I dont know what to do at this... read more

Peptic Ulcer - What does you ulcer feel like?

What does your ulcer feel like? I've never had stomach issues ever. But over the past 6 weeks or so I have had increasing... read more

Sucralfate - What can you eat while taking Carafate?

Stomach has been upset since begin taking this three days ago. Experiencing headaches, backaches, acid reflux and sinus problems. Is this... read more

Sucralfate - What does empty stomach mean exactly? Are clear fluids allowed?

Am I allowed to have clear fluids other than water WITHIN the 2 hours before/ 1 hour after time window of the dose? Such as coffee, tea, or clear... read more

Would a stomach ulcer cause bloody stools?

36 hours ago I was informed I had a stomach ulcer. I am to take Carafate 4 times a day. Today with both bowel movements there was... read more

Are my side effects for taking sucralfate bad?

I have been taking sucralfate for a week already but have been feeling weird symptoms. I did discuss these symptoms with my... read more

Is sucralfate still effective when taken as a slurry with a teaspoon of food?

This is the only way to get our dog to take it.

Can Sucralfate/Prilosec and Sucralfate/Nexium be taken at the same time?

In the morning, I have to take Levothyroxine as soon as I get up per Endocrinologist.Then 30 minutes later, I have been taking... read more

Can you take an antacid with omeprazole?

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