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Is it safe to take just 1. 10mg tablet for anxiety before having a MRI? it was prescribed by my Rhe?


kiing 6 Aug 2015

depends on what it is
benzodiazepines are the most common prescribed for any MRI or CT scan although not required many people have a phobia
about those exams which is normal
again depending on what it is 10mg might be a bit to much unless its diazepam which i assume that is what you got since you say 10mg which isn't to strong but i would go with alprazolam since it kicks in fast and leaves fast doubt you wanna be loopy all day which you will be with diazepam

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LaurieShay 6 Aug 2015

It is not uncommon for the doctor to prescribe 10mg Valium before an MRI especially if you are the least bit claustrophobic.

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anxiety, prescription, mri, tablet

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