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Unanswered Questions

Current findings of Kerendia in preserving renal function in CKD?

Victoza - Any one else worried or wondering about long term effects?

I started Victoza 7 days ago. I'm on 0.6 for 30 days Dr said then 1.6 for 30 days and so on. I have... read alot of bad things about this med for long term side effects. Anyone else worried?

Alternatives to lorazepam?

I have been experiencing severe and debilitating panic attacks for just over a year now. That's coupled with my stupid body chemistry that has made it near impossible to find an anti depressant that works with my chemistry. So far have tried: Zoloft (increased ideation) Wellbutrin...

Where do I find pill "thickness" dimension?

Hello, I'm trying to find the thickness of . I am creating a pill bottle that works with opioids, but need to know how to find the thickness. The pill identifier shows me one dimension. For example the pill identified as M 05 52 Pill - white round, 6mm indicates a diameter of 6mm. But, I...

Thoughts on Rexulti?

I last had questions in September regarding severe anxiety, Wildcat was quite helpful. Since then my health has deteriorated with cancer and now a COPD diagnosis. With anxiety so high to begin with, I’m now experiencing a lot of trouble with it due to Prednisone and albuterol. Last week my NP...

Could I still be pregnant even after taking Plan B and getting a period?

I had relations for the first time this month (on Jan 11th) and immediately took a plan b after. He said he was 100% percent sure he didn’t get any inside but wanted me to take a plan b to be sure. I was already spotting days before I had sex and when I took the plan b, I continued to spot....

How long after taking Keppra can I lay down?

How long after taking Keppra can I go to bed?

Sleep seizures + sleep paralysis - worsen when I am out of Adderall?

My sleep seizures get way worse when I am in Adderall withdrawal. I have narcolepsy and run out of my prescription early every month and they always happen or start the next day without Adderall. Why is this happening? Could my sleep seizures be tied to the narcolepsy as well? I also have sleep...

Beware: Ketamine Infusion will cause facial dysesthesia?

I was injected with ketamine at a clinic, and ever since the third infusion, my lower face is insensitive. The surface of my face is insensitive and if I push the facial skin, it causes pain and tingling sensation. The infusion was done by young technicians (not a physician or a nurse). I consulted...

Have previously been on Tegretol till an allergic reaction. Now having swelling and rashes?

I have a rash both sides of groin. Finger tips have gone pink almost bruised both hands. Also a lot of swelling. Thanks

Etanercept - I am a brain stroke survivor and recovering now. i can walk and talk but have a...

... problem using my left hand fingers. I have come across treatment with etanercept injection. Will my fingers get recover with the treatment?

I have acne and scars like I have bug pimples?

Is clindamycin in the same family as vancomycin?

I'm allergic to vancomycin and need to know if it's okay to take this clindamycin or if it's not?

Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms?

I was on 15mg of mirtazapine for 6 months and then a year tapering down to 3mg then stopped after the 2 weeks of nausea I’m now into 5 weeks off and now it’s lots of diarrhea and stomach pain. Has anyone else hit this type of withdrawal?