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Unanswered Questions (Page 5)

Can I take PhenQ with tirzepatide?

I have been taking both, but have not lost any weight?

How long of a duration do you have to keep taking Dulcolax? What amount of time should you stop?

How long is it unsafe to keep taking the medication? What is to total amount of weeks a person should stop taking this product?

White creamy discharge after taking Fluconazole 150 mg?

I had a yeast infection and BV and was prescribed Fluconazole 150 mg and Metronidazole for them. After taking both, I noticed I have a white creamy discharge. I got scared and went to the doctor and they took STD tests and got me started on Doxycycline, since the STD results will take a couple...

I’m 73 yo and have been switched to Silodosin from Flomax. I’ve been taking silodosin for 4...

... weeks now and my flow has increased significantly! I am also experiencing an unexpected positive side effect. In the last week I have woken at night more than once (not to pee) but with an erection lasting over an hour, unlike I have experienced in the last 25 years. As I mentioned before my...

How are you dealing with severe spinal stenosis?

I saw a neurosurgeon yesterday who told me I have severe spinal stenosis along with a bone spur and a disc protruding into my spinal canal at L2/L3 which is causing me extreme pain. My spine is also "unstable" from L1 to L4. The neurosurgeon said I need to have some type (I can't...

Oxygen level dropping on pulse ox with Gemtesa?

Been taking Gemtesa for 3 weeks now. Since I started taking this medication I have noticed a drop in my pulse ox reading from 95 to 92-93 until yesterday. Yesterday my pulse ox reading was 90 and today it is still 90. Have been hospitalized when my pulse ox reading hit 88. Will quit taking the...

Duloxetine - Five weeks off duloxetine then on again?

I’ve been on 20mg for a couple years for generalized anxiety. It worked well so I went off it cold turkey and had no withdrawal symptoms. I didn’t take it for five weeks until I had a wellness checkup and mentioned body pain. My PCP and I decided to go back on it to relieve the pain and...

Rinvoq and urinary pressure/frequency?

Has anyone experienced bladder irritation and or urinary frequency on Rinvoq? I’ve tried to take Rinvoq twice now and after about 4-6 weeks I start having to pee every 30 minutes and feel tons of bladder pressure about 10 minutes after I go just like I have to pee again. It feels like a UTI...

Best pain medicine to take for severe pain that works with pregabalin?

I have been prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain ( bone on bone severe arthritis in both wrists, both shoulders, both feet have advanced arthritis & my back), twice a day. I take pregabalin for nerve damage (accidental cutting of nerve during back surgery causing dead nerves in one leg from knee to...

Hydroxyzine - Can HYDROXYZINE cause a false-positive in drug screenings?

Research study from the University of Illinois Chicago and stated that hydroxyzine has been recorded to cause false-positive on drug tests. Is this true? And/or what if I'm taking more than one prescription, can the combination of all prescriptions cause a false-positive?

Am I safe taking lorazepam & Buspar together 2 times per day?

My doctor prescribed them together to help until Cymbalta starts to work.

Is Wegovy covered by Medicare?

Supraventricular Tachycardia - For the last 40 years I have been taking disopyramide and...

... propranolol for STV. Disopyramide is becoming very hard to get now so I have been changed to diltiazem (Adizem 2 x 120mg slow release capsules) starting today. I have had to stop propranolol for twenty four hours before this change of drug. And disopyramide last one yesterday. I am feeling...

Can cephalexin cause an odor coming from your body? I'm smelling an odor all the time?

The odor seems to be coming from my nose.No one else can smell it but me.