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Popular Questions (Page 9)

Shortness of breath while tapering?

Has anyone experienced shortness of breath wile tapering mirtazapine

Lisinopril for slightly high blood pressure?

I’m 21 and have occasional high BP at the doctor and sometimes at home. I also have anxiety and panic about my health so this may affect it. I am not overweight and am moderately active and eat pretty healthy and drink coffee. I did a 24 hour BP monitor and my results were 118/82 but I was...

Has anyone had more pain after Durolane gel injection?

Three weeks after a Durolane injection I suddenly had a horrific knee pain ongoing now for a month will this go away ever ? What can I do ? Need answers please .

If you usually take 150 mg of Venlafaxine is it safe/effective to instead take two 75mg pills?

I ran out of my 150mg extended release tablets but I have some old (but not expired) 75mg extended release tablets, would it be safe/effective to just take two of those until I can refill my prescription?

Gemtesa medicine - can I take it twice daily?

Will it hurt to take this 2 times a day?

When should I worry about chest pain?

Come and go chest pain, pain isn't associated with symptoms. The pain feels like an ache comes and goes sometimes mild sometimes not too severe doesn't affect breathing should i be concerned and is it heart related.

How many medicine combos is everyone on?

Does anyone else take several medicines? I take olanzapine, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Depakote, and Lexapro.

Can a person who has to take drug tests take Viagra?

What time of day should I take each of my meds?

I am trying to figure out which meds are making me tired during the day. I take all 6 in the am. Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg,bupropion 300mg, aripiprazole 5mg,sertraline 100mg,losartan 50mg, pantopraze 40mg. Which should I be taking in the am and pm?

Doex Percocet contain codeine?

Does Percocet contain codeine or something else?

How long after quitting lithium because of it worsening depression before I feel better?

I took 600mg lithium carbonate for 1 week. It caused depression so I weaned off. I still feel depressed and am having nausea symptoms a week and a half after my last dose. How long until I feel better?

Can you take Valium and propranolol?

Time lapse in between medications?

How long after using tramadol can I use Xanax?

Peyronie's Disease - Does Xiaflex treatment return penis to normal size?

Does Xiaflex treatment return penis to normal size?