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Popular Questions (Page 10)

Can I take ivermectin with other medications?

Can I take a steroid as well as ivermectin.

Lamictal, Any suggestions for additional medication?

Hello. I currently take 100mg Lamictal per day, 45mg Mirtizapine and 1mg of Klonopin per day. I’ve had paralyzing anxiety for 4 years and tried every medication made! I was told I’m medication resistant and it was recommended I do ECT. That, I’m not going to do! I expect my NP to...

Is it OK to eat eggs while taking doxycycline 100 mg?

I am trying not to affect the absorption of the drug but to keep from being nauseated. I eat a boiled egg and piece of toast with it.

I haven't gotten my Mirena changed since 2012?

I have the IUD Mirena. I got it in 2012 and got it changed it one time in 2017. Do you think I'm in deep trouble?

Xanax - If my prescription says as needed and I only take them truly as needed, such as maybe 1 or 2

... times per week, when I have a panic attack, so at the end of the month, I still have plenty left, how long can I continue to take them before I get in trouble or will I get in trouble?

Can lasers be used for foot?

Ankle pain Wart on sole

Sleeping difficulty under peptic ulcer and H.pylori infection treatment?

I was diagnosed as having peptic ulcer and H.pylori infection. My prescription is: Amoxicillin 1000 mg x 2 times/day Levofloxacin 500 mg x 2 times/day Esomeprazole 20 mg x 2 times/day Drotaverine 80 mg x 2 times/day Rotundine 120mg/day From the first day under this prescription, I have been...

Can buspirone and Prozac be taken together?

Can buspirone and Prozac be taken together? I’ve been on Prozac for about 3 weeks. My anxiety is awful. The Dr won’t give me benzo’s because I’m 69. I’m really needing something for my nerves. My nerves have been bad my whole life and I’ve been on something my...

Who takes Ativan everyday, multiple times?

Just wondering how many people here take Ativan everyday, and not just when needed. For almost past year I have been taken multiple doses daily. 2 mgs per dose, between 2-3 doses a day, so between 4-6 mgs per day, everyday. Going thru horrible breakup and my life has fallen apart. I have always...

Hydrocodone - I am on day 10 of a self detox from hydrocodone 7.5/325 that I have taken over 25...

... years due to 70+ surgeries and issues. Enough was enough. The withdrawals are not much better today than day 1 and cannot sleep. I’m never the “normal “ one. Any suggestions?

Can I take celecoxib for hemorrhoids?