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Popular Questions (Page 19)

What is ofloxacilline? It's dosage, generic name, trade name etc?

Need this for an assignment on ofloxacilline, for nursing degree. I need ofloxacilline's generic name, trade name, It's dosage, route, available form, action etc

Just wanted to find out if your on antibiotics cause and have a cough can you take cough medicine?

If your on antibiotics and got cough can you take cough medicine will your on antibiotics

Sertraline withdrawal itching?

I was on this forum over two years ago as a newbie on sertraline. It helped me enormously over the last 2 1/2 years with the worst period of emotional stress I have ever gone through my whole life. I’ve also now been diagnosed with diabetes (which they think could be linked) and I’m...

Drug combinations are they dangerous?

I have been prescribed escitaloprám 10mg and I'm on mirtazapine 30mg I'm also on Eliquis 5mg twice a day and Eltroxin 25mg tablets and folic acid 5mg. I just would like to know is this all safe to take together?

Vitamins interact with drugs??

Vitamins are taken. Do they interact with drugs

Taking Arnuity and Anoro together instead of Trelegy?

Does anyone take Arnuity AND Anoro? Trelegy itself has all the ingredients of both. Does it make sense to take both Arnuity and Anoro?

Xeloda - Anyone familiar with Xeloda?

Body fluids

How to taper off sertraline?

How do you taper off sertraline?

Ursodiol - Gas side effect?

I've been prescribed ursodiol for biliary cholangitis. I've been having terrible gas the 2nd day taking it. Is that common? What other problems can I expect? So far no itchiness so I'm grateful for that.

Can I use another medication because I don't have my usual medication?

I'm a dialysis patient who suffer from hypertension, my usual medications are nifedipine and carvedilol but I do not possess them at the moment, can I take hydrochlorothiazide and irbesartan until I'm able to get to my usual meds which will be in the next 5 hours or so because my pressure...

Are these the medications I should be taking?

I'm a 34 year old female with PAH I dont think my doctors are treating it properly. I have 20 different doctors and none of them communicate about this together it has me worried I'm not getting the right treatment.