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Popular Questions (Page 18)

Can I take Creon with cholestryamine?

8 weeks Sertraline - experience?

Hi, 9 weeks ago I had sudden anxiety that led to depression when I had a doubt about my 9 year relationship. This got progressively worse to the point I was having dark thoughts, panick attacks and intrusive thoughts. Prior to this in a happy relationship and no significant worries. I started...

What medications could I take in place of clopidogrel, Rosuvastatin, and Losartin?

What could be prescribed that is safer for me than the three medicines clopidogrel, rosuvastatin and Losartan? I have a Long Stent in my heart artery, a lower left Ventricle Failure, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Degeneration, Osteoporosis, and Hips Bursitis. I also have lower leg injury...

I had a needle stick accident?

I was vaccinating a patient and had a needle stick accident on my middle finger, I am currently taking PEP I would like to know what the percentage rate is of possibly having an HIV infection, I am not sure if the patient had HIV or not.

Can you use expired Seroquel?

What causes you to feel like you’re shivering when you’re not cold?

Shivering on the inside of body

Can I take metoprolol with Cymbalta and clonazepam?

Question regarding safety interactions of Lysteda and Provera and when to start taking them?

I am aware that there is a known interaction between Provera and Lysteda but When is it safe to start Provera 10mg after taking lysteda for heavy periods.

Looking for anyone else who's on Lamictal? I have focal absence and was placed on this medicine...

... 100 XL. Has anyone had some side effects from Lamictal XL?

I took my first 30 mg Cymbalta last night. Was up all night and woke up so very light headed?

Up all night feeling not right in the head. I woke up and felt very weak walking something was not right. Did not go to work could 1 pill do that. I am a thin light weight when it comes to any drug would not have minded all that if it would've helped this extreme pain that I have, but I feel...

Mirena - High Blood Pressure and edema? I have edema on my lower legs and feet, dizziness and...

... high blood pressure about the rate of 150+ which never goes down. I dont use any drugs, I am 45 year old and have had my Mirena on february 2024. Its been 4 months. I am desperate and sad. I had my Mirena to control the growth of my fibroids (the biggest being 7x8 cm) and heavy bleeding. My...

Took 3 200mg ibuprofen PM’s?

I accidentally took three 200mg ibuprofen PM’s. Should I be worried?

What is ofloxacilline? It's dosage, generic name, trade name etc?

Need this for an assignment on ofloxacilline, for nursing degree. I need ofloxacilline's generic name, trade name, It's dosage, route, available form, action etc