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Popular Questions (Page 15)

How far apart should I take gabapentin and Diamox?

Interaction between medication?

Is OK to take vardenafil 20 mg, at the same time, take two Aleve 220 mg with out any interaction effects?

Losartan - compare losartan and candesartan?

compare the side effects between Losartan and Candesartan

What is moclobemide's generic name?

Does allergy to an antibiotic ingredient make the antibiotic less effective?

I'm using Penomax, I'm allergic to Penicillin. Will the allergy make the antibiotic less effective, or not?

What schedule class does tramadol fall into?

Drug combinations are they dangerous?

I have been prescribed escitaloprám 10mg and I'm on mirtazapine 30mg I'm also on Eliquis 5mg twice a day and Eltroxin 25mg tablets and folic acid 5mg. I just would like to know is this all safe to take together?

Best medicine for anxiety and depression disorders?

What medicine is the best for depression and anxiety I have Paxil,Effexor and lexapro

What side effects has anyone had from Evenity for osteoporosis?

I have had 3 prolia shots. I am having side effects which I believe are from the medication. Bloating, constipation, water retention, muscle aches/stiffness, and bone aches. Although doctors don't want to agree with me. I have already had my two years of forteo. Wondering what the best...

Felt good on 125mg, now taking 150mg?

Hello! So I have been taking Zoloft for 2,5 years and it worked wonders, and about 3 weeks ago i felt my OCD flaring up again and it did not calm down, so we decided with my doctor to up the dose to 150mg. I have been taking 125mg for 9 days now and I felt super, everything was good. Now yesterday...

Should you avoid eating Greek yogurt while taking Actemra infusion once a month?

Greek yogurt is made with active cultures, such as lactobacillus. Actemra, an arthritis treatment, lowers the immune system against infection. Is it safe to eat Greek yogurt while taking Actemra?

Methylphenidate: Notice any difference between Generic manufactures/suppliers of methylphenidate...

... like I do? Costco (Cencora supplier) keeps changing their Generics (KVK yellow tab, Cor Phar pink tab, Accord white tab. Malinckrodt (now Sonorant Thera) is the best for me, as it doesn't make me sick because of the added lactose that the others have, and they can't order it for me....

SMZ/TMP 800-160 generic for Bactrim DS?

11/21/2022 to 12/08/2022 in hospital for an infection developed after surgery on 10/25/2022. I was on 2 IVs in hospital from 11/21/2022 to 12/08/2022 for this infection & continued at Rehab facility's until Jan. 8, 2023, the last of IV treatment & now replaced with oral Bactrim DS...