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Popular Questions (Page 14)

Amlodipine 10mg - can it be cut in half?

Can amlodipine be cut for a half dose?

I had a needle stick accident?

I was vaccinating a patient and had a needle stick accident on my middle finger, I am currently taking PEP I would like to know what the percentage rate is of possibly having an HIV infection, I am not sure if the patient had HIV or not.

My daughter has epilepsy and has been on 750 mg Keppra and is weaning off Lamotrigine @100 mg from a

... high of 800 mg/day. She was also on 10 mg/day Lexapro for the last year. She began having involuntary movements in the eyes, mouth, neck but the Drs said it's not a movement disorder. EEG confirmed it's not seizure activity, but we have no diagnosis and no treatment after six weeks of...

Terrible headaches. And stomach aches just started Prozac 30 mg.

I think the headaches are mostly from tension and stomach aches from nerves and constipation what to do

Need to identify a pill it's blue, with a67 on one side, blank on the other?

I'm just trying to find out what a drug is. I need to identifying a pill.

Wellbutrin and heart palpitations?

They upped my Wellbutrin 150 mg to 300mg. I started that yesterday and later on in the day I had palpitations. Does this side effect go away?

IBD Ulcerative Colitis and Type 2 Diabetic?

I have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I am wondering what preferred drug I should take for the pre-diabetes that will not exacerbate my ulcerative colitis?

What's the disease? here are the symptoms__?

20yr old female had a sudden pain in the right chest close to esophagus this pain happens only when she swallows something

Repatha - I take a 140 mg sure click injection every two weeks. I accidentally placed the sure click

with the yellow needle cover on top and pressed it with my index finger for an instant but some of the medication went into my index finger. When should I take the next shot today or wait 2 weeks? Also I am scheduled to get a shot of cortisone in the joint of that index finger with my hand. should...

How long after serotonin syndrome do I have to wait to take naratriptan again?

I had serotonin syndrome 18 hours ago. The doctor said I could take it today, but I had vivid nightmares and feelings of bugs crawling on me.

Has anyone had their bipolar diagnosis changed or downgraded to mixed-depression or cyclothymia?

Mania does not met the criteria for Bipolar-2 for years, probably due to the mood stabilizers.

Does nitrofurantoin contain sulfa?

"AMPHETAMINE" my title is too short to submit, so now it's longer?

Can someone tell me specifically what kinds of drugs that would fall into the "AMPHETAMINE" class? Thank you.